Chapter 4 : Pajama Time

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-Third Person POV-

Caroline got home, and realized she hadn't had any blood today so she headed to her fridge. When she opened it, she found it empty and frowned then remembered that she fed them to Klaus for him to heal. Caroline sighed and decided to take a nap, so she changed into some comfy pjs.....

 Caroline sighed and decided to take a nap, so she changed into some comfy pjs

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and fell asleep with the tv running. She completely forgot that Klaus was coming to check up on her that night.

A couple hours later Klaus showed up and knocked on the door but after not getting a response for several minutes, he opened the door.

After flash searching the whole first floor then he flashed up the stairs to find a peaceful Caroline laying peacefully with her blonde hair curls fanned over the pillow looking simply beautiful. He bent down beside her and so wanted to run his hand through her hair but restrained himself and whispered "Love, wake up."

Caroline stirred and slowly opened her eyes to see Klaus squatting beside her and level with her face.

-Caroline's POV-

"K-klaus" I stutter "what are you doing here?" I glare regaining my composure as I sat up on my bed.

"Well I told you I would check on you tonight love, you're by far the most interesting thing in this town and I do bore so easily. I do however find myself intrigued by this outfit your wearing i love the delightful little hood with the fluffy ears, you look adorable love." he smirked at me again flashing those dimples how did a villain have such adorable dimples, I was staring at said dimples when a chuckle pulled me out of my reverence.

I cough startled and defensively hold my arms in front of my insulted onesie, fighting against a blush.

"What are you really doing here Klaus except from mocking me." I glare refusing to be sucked in by his grin.

"Quite the contrary sweetheart I just wished to spend some time with you, I want to get to know you Caroline. Become your friend." he smiles innocently, maybe a little bit too innocently.

"Alright Klaus i'll make you a deal, you can join my girl time but you're missing something." it was my time to smirk as the happy look left his face to be replaced by confusion.

"And what might I ask is that, love?" he purred and I saw the fire in his eyes showing he was ready for the challenge.

"Pajamas" I state bluntly "go home and get changed and then we can hang out." I smile easily.

"I'll be back soon love, but just for future reference normally I sleep naked" he said smirking wickedly before vanishing, a ghostly chuckle was all that could be heard floating away on the wind as my jaw dropped.

Stupid villain sex appeal. Stupid sexy smirk. Stupid dimples. Jerk

I decided while waiting for Klaus to come back I'd grab a blood bag, I opened the fridge surprised, crap I hadn't gone to see Damon yet and my blood was gone. "urggggg" I huffed I was hungry and I needed more than bunnies today, Klaus's blood was seriously tempting and after the little taste I had had on my birthday I was itching to taste him again.

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