Chapter 15 : Beach Day

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⬆️Rebekah's Outfit⬆️

Caroline's POV-

I wake up to find myself wedged as close to Klaus as possible, like were the same person wrapped around each other like vipers.

I look up to see Klaus asleep, his eyes closed and his nose snuggled into her hair. For once he looks peaceful relaxed content, I shift slightly to get a better look at him and his eyes spring open he looks confused for a second before his face settles on me and he once again seems to relax slightly.

"Good morning sweetheart." His sleepy voice purrs

"Morning Klaus." I say sweetly.

We have a few moments then of just enjoying the morning sun, enjoying the feeling of each other's company the feeling of skin on skin, of warmth, of being content. Before we are rudely interrupted by Kol storming in Elijah hot on his heels.

"Nik Elijah won't let me come with him today because apparently I'm too reckless." Kol moans.

"I fail to see how this is my problem Kol, or why you felt the need to barge into my room to tell me about it." Klaus says angrily, as we sit up to look at his brothers.

"You can cuddle with Caroline anytime where did your shirt go by the way; this is serious why am I supposed to be left here while you an Elijah get to do all the fun stuff." he whines.

"Who said I was going?" Klaus grumbles as I blush at Elijah's amused look and I can't help but giggle, there is something funny about being found with a shirtless Klaus by the oldest brother, like being caught by your parents.

"Niklaus I would be most appreciative if you would join me, I have a feeling this business will particularly interest you." Elijah says giving Klaus a meaningful look.

They share some sort of secret conversation before Klaus gives him a sharp nod.

"See everyone is included but me!" Kol wines flopping onto the bed near our feet.

I scoot closer to him and brush the hair out of his eyes, despite his wining you can tell that Kol feels left out. He pushed his head further into my hand and so I continue to brush his hair.

"Hey Kol, i was planning on doing some hunting and shopping today you can come with me if you want and then maybe we can get some lunch at the grill; and go to the lake this afternoon. Only if your not busy of course." I say giving Kol a big smile.

Kol gives me a huge smile "Why didn't you say so darling, when do we leave?" he says giving me a wink.

"I need to grab a shower and some human food then we're all set." I say still grinning.

"Alright darling but don't take too long, I've just realised I'm quite hungry." Kol says with a salacious grin before sauntering out of the room.

Elijah looks at me then giving me a small smile "Thank you Caroline, I believe that you handled that quite nicely."

"It was no problem, I really do like hanging out with Kol and it's always nice to have a guy to hold your bags while you shop." I say with a laugh.

Elijah shares one more look with Klaus before leaving the room as well shutting the door behind him, I turn to Klaus then who is torn between looking angry and happy.

"You're spending the day with Kol?" he says tersely.

"Well you're going to be busy with Elijah and I like Kol, plus I need to hunt and shop it'll be nice." I say smiling.

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