Chapter 10 : The Good Old Times

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Caroline's POV-

"That's what I'm calling your wolf, he so cute and playful like a cute toy wolfy." I chirp.

"Cute? I'll show you cute sweetheart." Klaus growls at me playfully

"You were with Niklaus in wolf form Caroline?" Elijah asks curiously and a little amused.

"Aww is the poor alpha male insulted that the little vampire called him cute?" I taunt Klaus chuckling

Klaus gives me a warning glare but otherwise ignores me turning to his brother, "Yes brother even my wolf seems partial to Caroline." the brothers share a look with some hidden meaning I don't understand.

Kol comes back over breaking the moment and huffing down in his seat.

"I'm bored Nik." he says childishly.

"Yea I'd better be getting home." I say turning to Klaus, I down the rest of my drink before quickly turning to the rest of them squealing "Race you to the car!!" and flashing off.

I get to the car and no one is there is do a little happy dance, smirking to myself I beat three originals I'm still mentally praising myself when I get into the car. I stop smiling when I see all three of them already sitting in the car.

"Took you long enough darling." Kol smirks looking bored.

"Not fair you guys are like a billion years old, shouldn't you be cranky by now with walkers and huge fingernails." I say childishly

"I assure you love I'm far from that old would you like me to prove it to you?" Klaus says smirking at me.

"I think I'll be fine grandpa." I say rolling the word teasingly.

We arrive at the house and I'm saved from what I'm sure is a witty retort, by our arrival at Klaus's mansion Elijah and Kol get out of the car arguing about Kol wanting to get a TV for the lounge and Elijah saying that he had no need for that kind of noise constantly. Me and Klaus stay in the car and look at each other in the mirror.

"Are you coming in sweetheart or would you like me to take you home?" Klaus asks simply

"I got nothing better to do, so If you don't mind I'll hang out with you guys for a bit longer."

Klaus flashes to my door to open It and I give him a quick glare, secretly loving his old fashioned chivalry. We go into the house and suddenly I'm nervous what are we going to do. I doubt Klaus has a TV we can't exactly do movie night I think wryly. Klaus leads me into the living room where sofa's all centre around a table with a roaring fire on the other side, I quickly walk over to it and sit on the floor in front of it; the fire seeps into me warming my bones. I've always loved fire and water, there was something just so pure and elemental about them, something that could be tainted or ruined but at its heart it would always just be. Klaus regards me bemused by my actions before walking over to the side table and pouring two scotches, he goes over to the liquor cabinet before adding a little bit of Drambuie to mine just the way I like It, as he has obviously remembered from the club. He hands me his drink before he goes back to sit on the sofa directly opposite me.

"So love what would you like to do?" he inquires lazily, its almost like he's actually, dare I say it, relaxed?

"I don't mind what do you want to do?" I say childishly gaining a small smile from him as I stretch out on my front in front of the fire laying my head on my arms and placing my glass to the side of me.

"Comfortable sweetheart." I hear an amused voice chuckle.

"I love open fires they are just so warm, chuck me a pillow for my head would you." I purr, a pillow is gently placed in front of me and all I hear is a soft whoosh.

"thanks." I mumble getting comfortable "so I've always wondered, you know when you were human did you have to like build your own house when you turned 12 or something or were houses just built or what? I mean it's not like you could view a property or whatever and when you built this house it just made me think about what life must have been like back then, no fancy mansions I'm sure." I say inquisitively.

"There was a simpler way of living back then, things were different a family lived together in one house all of them until one of them married and then before the wedding the groom would build a house with the help of his friends and relatives, and when they were married they would move in and the process would continue."

"What was marriage like back then, were there pretty dresses and flowers, was it a huge thing were you ever married?" I ask curiously, it seemed Klaus was in a sharing mood and I was going to take full advantage of it.

"Marriage was a huge celebration, there would be a feast and the groom and his party would go into the forest and catch a big deer or a wild hog, it was a sign of strength and prosperity if they were successful and it showed the god's looked favourably upon them. The bride would spend the day picking flowers and being washed and cleaned by her older relatives, then she would be dressed in a new dress that her family had crafted it wouldn't be white it would be a colour of autumn. I myself was never married but Finn was funnily enough, sadly she was the first person killed when we turned." Klaus muses staring into the fire.

"That's so odd why would you be washed by your relatives, that's surreal, having to pick flowers all day or hunt. Poor Finn." I shudder at the thought of my granny seeing me completely nude.

"The elders were seen as experienced women who could guide the newly wed's into adulthood, they had specials knives to shave the women and they were allowed to use scented oils on them to make them smell and look beautiful. It wasn't the same as today though I agree, many women didn't want to marry and met the groom only a handful of times before the wedding and never unchaperoned."

"NEVER unchaperoned! And wait they were SHAVED what the hell, do you mean like all over! Someone shaved their you know area." I stutter indignant going red when I see Klaus smirking at my blush.

"Yes love they were shaved all over by special blades that were extremely sharp that why only the elders were trusted with them." Klaus says simply

"That's so so personal." I struggle with the words.

"It was the way of things; the bride knew what was going to happen." Klaus says as if that should explain it.

"And they didn't get to meet the groom? They just had to go along and marry him without even knowing if they like him or if they get on, and they just didn't get to say no they were traded like cattle" I remark disgustedly "I bet that made for a fun wedding night."

Klaus looks slightly uncomfortable at this leading me to question him.

"What are you not telling me?" I say narrowing my eyes

"I don't know what you mean." he says coolly

"Klaus just tell me." I coo

This continues for a few minutes before Klaus sighs and says "Alright love."

"There was a concept that on the morning after the wedding night the man would take the blood stained cloth that had laid under his wife, and leave there home waving it around proudly for everyone to see before throwing it on the big fire in the middle of the village." Klaus trails off sheepishly.

"WHAT?!?!" I splutter shocked and angrily!!

"That's barbaric, how awful those poor women everyone would know, that's just so brutal not to mention mortifying." I say horrified.

"It was so that everyone knew her father hadn't given away tarnished goods, so to speak, it was something a women was proud of."he explains.

"So everyone was a virgin before they were married ouch for the girl," I say grinning "that means that you were a virgin when you were turned?" I say grinning at him

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