Chapter 51

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I went to my room first to put my bag down. Then I have to go meet up with Max to catch up and see how everything is going to go. Hopefully I will get some time to be with Tris. But I know I will get time to be with her. She will end up having most of her things in my room anyways by the end of the week.

The meeting with Max took longer than I thought it would. It was already dinner. When I finally got down there, I see Tris sitting with our friends. I got my food and joined them. Tris smiled at me when she saw me. I smiled back at her.

*Tris's POV*

We all got into a schedule quickly when we got back to school. Mostly, Four and I did. He always tries to find it to be with me. It was nice. He does make me special. I know we will not always get that time to be alone. But now it's getting nicer out again. The snow is gone. Spring is finally here. I won't hate doing our morning runs.

I wake up to my alarm. I stretched to feel the bed empty. Where did Four go? I sat up to see if he was getting ready for our run. But he wasn't even in the room. I then saw a note on the nightstand next to me.


Sorry to miss our morning run. But had to go. Max called an emergency meeting. I will see you later.


P.S. Don't think that I am not going if you ran today. Keep up on the training remember.

That man has eyes everywhere. Of course, he would know if I skip the morning run or not. But I wonder what the emergency meeting Max called was all about. I got dressed for my run. He told me I had to run today. But he never said how far.

I went to Chris and my shared room. Yes, I still share a room with her even though I am practically living in Four's room. I opened the door to see Chris a wake at this hour.

"Morning. I thought you might want to join me on a morning run?" I asked her.

"Why not. I am up any ways." She told me.

Chris quickly got ready and we were off. I wasn't going to make her run the away Four and I do. I feel like that might kill her.

"So, where is Four? I thought you guys usually ran together. Did he do something?" Chris asked me as we ran.

"No, he didn't do anything wrong. Max called an emergency meeting and Four had to be there for it. So, I didn't want to run alone. That's why I asked you." I answered her.

"Okay. I wonder what the meeting is all about. Max usually don't call meeting like that." She told me.

"I have no idea." I told her.

*Four's POV*

I went to Max's office. He called an emergency meeting. Something really must be wrong if he called one of those. I opened the door to see that headmistress standing in the room too. What was going on?

"What's going on?" I asked. I wasn't going to have small talk.

"Don't worry Four. I don't know what is going on. Headmistress here came in here and told me get you. Won't tell me a thing afterwards." Max told me.

"Do you remember the group called Bureau?" Headmistress asked us.

"Yes. They are the one's kidnapping Divergent for something. Why?" I asked.

Bureau is a group of people that have been kidnapping Divergent all around the world. For what? We don't know. But we have been trying to figure out what. They have been looking for a currant person. We just don't know who.

"Well, I think they have located the person they have been looking. We have a problem. It's one of our students." She told us.

"Who? What faction are they in?" Max asked.

"She is in Dauntless. It's Beatrice Prior." She told us.

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