Chapter 40

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I slightly turned to see Tris and the others. I am not surprise they would come here. This is everyone's favorite place. I was wondering if they came here yet or not. Our friends would love this place.

"There are two of my favorites sweet peas." Granny said walking over to them.

I then turn away and went back to my food. But I was still listening to everyone around me.

*Tris's POV*

I was walking to the booth by the counter. But I couldn't take my eyes of the counter. There was a guy sitting there with his hood up. Is that who I think that is? So, he has returned. I thought he was gone. But looks like I was wrong. Granny came over and hugged Austin and me.

"Hello my darlings. Miss you guys. Hope that school is treating you well." She said coming over our table.

"Yes. It's great. We miss you too." I said.

"I see you brought new faces." She said.

"Yes. This is Chris, Will, Edward, Lauren, Uriah, Zeke, Lynn, Myra, Shauna, and Marlene." I introduce them to her.

"Hi sweets. I am Granny." She said.

We order our food. She left to take care of others. I still can't take my eyes off of the counter. I then felt a hand tap me. I looked over to Austin. I looked at him. He then asked,

"You okay? You spaced out there for a moment."

"The guy at the counter." I said nodding over to him.

"No. Is that really him? I thought he was gone." Austin said.

"Looks like not. Trouble is here." I said.

"What are you two talking about?" Lauren asked.

"The guy over there in the hooded is the shadow man. If you piss him or Tris here you will be in trouble." Austin said.

"What do you mean? He is probably just another guy." Chris stated.

"No. He is not. No one knows who he is. Except what you see. He gets revenge on people for doing wrong in his eyes. In my option, he is giving justice for their wrong doing." I told them truthfully.

"Because he always got revenge for you. Never on you. You are his special person." Austin said.

"So, he never hit you?" Uriah asked me confused.

"No. He never has. Maybe because I never really did wrong." I told them truthfully.

Then our food came over to us. Granny then said,

"Here you go."

"Thanks Granny. I have a question. You would know it. Is that really him?" I asked him.

She looked over to the counter. She then said,


Before I could say anything else. She walked away from us. I just smirked. I know it. He is back. Some trouble is going to happen.

*Four's POV*

I smiled to myself. She would be asking about me. I put money down to pay for the bill. But Granny came over to me before I left. She then said,

"On the house."

"I know I can't fight with you on that. Then pay for her food." I said.

Granny smiled and nodded. She then said,

"I will see you around sweet pea. Stay out of trouble."

"Always." I said.

I then left. I have some things to do. I am home and I am not here to play nice. I have a list of people to get revenge on. They won't know what will hit them. The shadow man has returned.

*Tris's POV*

I watched him walk out the door. That is nothing good. I have a feeling something bad is about to happen. Right after he left we all heard a scream. So, everyone ran to the door and windows. We looked out to see my ex-boyfriend on the ground with some blue gunk on him. It looked like paint. That wasn't it. There was a message. It read,

Second ChanceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat