Chapter 28

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When the day ended I said good-bye to my parents were over and all the parents were going home. I won't see them until next visiting day. But one good thing. Austin is staying. I got my best guy friend back.

It has been a while since that visiting day. Four has been helping me with Faction History and Defense. He has been really helpful. I am seeing a different side of him. I hang out in his room a lot.

"Hey." I said looking up to see Four walking in.

"Doing faction history I see." He said.

"Yeah, I am. Still hate it. The teacher still hates me." I said.

"He doesn't hate you." He said.

"Can you look at it? Tell me what you think." I asked him.

"Yeah sure." He said. He looked over my essay. He handed it back to me. "It's good." He said.

"Thanks." I said.

"So when is your next quiz?" He asked me.

"Soon. But I think I am ready for it because of it." I said standing in front of him. I had to look up to look into his eyes.

"Then I am going great work with you." He said smiling.

Every day I hang with him. I fall for him little more every day. I see something different about him every day. I was packing my things up. He watched me.

"What are you up to?" He asked me.

"Going to hang out with the girls." I said.

"Have fun." He said to me.

I walked up to Myra, Lauren, and Christine in the Pit.

"Hey girls." I said.

"Hey." They said to me.

"Okay. So did you hear?" Lauren asked.

"Are you talking the big battle?" Christina asked.

"Yes. It is coming soon." Lauren said.

"What big battle?" I asked them.

"No one told about the big battle." Myra said with big eyes.

"No. What is it?" I asked them.

"The big battle is..."

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