Chapter 25

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"Choose your poison Tris." Four said. I walked over to the table and looked at all the weapons. I then looked over to my father and then to Four. I know what weapon I was going to use. I picked up the knifes. I walked back to stand by Four.

I stood there for a moment and I then throw one of the knifes in my hand. It landed on the target near my father face. He glanced over to it and then looked at me.

"Oh come on Tris. You could get closer." Four said. Everyone started to laugh.

"A little bit off the top." I said looking over to him.

"Yeah. Just a trim." He said.

I then throw another knife at my father. This time it landed above his head. I got another knife. I looked over to Four and he smiled at me. He know what I was thinking. I throw my second to last knife downwards towards his no go area. I saw my father stiffen up. I then throw my last knife. It hit him by his ear. I then walked away but before I walked out the door. I looked over to my father touched his ear. It was blooding a little bit. I then walked away. I could still hear all the dauntless yelling at my father. You could hear Four taking charge.

*Four's POV*

I watched Tris walk away. I then turned to the rest of the Dauntless. I walked and picked up the gun with the fake bullets. The bullets are the same one we use in capture the flag.

"Okay all the leaders get a gun." I yelled. I then turned and looked at him.

"What are you guys going to do?" Mr. Prior asked us.

"Mr. Prior, speaking for all dauntless. You are a traitor to your daughter Tris. You will be punished for your crime." I said.

"What is my crime?" He asked us.

"Not excepting your daughter's choice to come to dauntless." I looked at him. "Dauntless leaders. Aim and Fire." I yelled. Then the dauntless leaders shot at him.

I shot at him. I handed by gun to another dauntless. The rest of the dauntless got guns. The look at me. I walked to the door and turned and nodded to Eric. I then walked away. You could hear dauntless going after Mr. Prior. They chased him out of dauntless.

I walked to go see Tris. I walked to the Pit. She was not found. She must be hiding somewhere. I then walked an empty hallway. I turned the corner to see her.

*Tris's POV*

I was sitting on the floor in an empty hallway. No one comes down hallway. It was an abandoned hallway. I was hiding from everyone. I just wanted to be left alone for a little bit. I heard the dauntless chase my father out. So I know he is gone. I then heard footsteps coming. I looked up to see Four.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Do I look okay? My faction just chased my father out and my father didn't even wanted to come to see me." I said.

"Yeah. But it could be worse." He said.

"How could it be worse?" I asked him.

"I don't know. Just thought that might cheer you up." He said.

"That for trying." I said.

"You want to go hiding. If you stay in this hallway, someone will find you." He said.

"I would like that. Where?" I asked him.

"Just follow me." He said handling his hand out to me, I took his hand and he led me down different hallways. Then we got a door. He opened the door and led me in. I looked around and saw that I was in.....

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