Chapter 10

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"No problem. Talk to you later." He said. Then we both hanged up. I really miss him. He is my best guy friends. He is like family to me. I was walking to the Pit until I accidently hit it to someone. Then I looked up to see a guy with dark hair. He looked at me angrily.

"Watch where you are going." He yelled at me.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to. It was all my fault." I said.

"Yeah it was all your fault. You are need to be careful or else." He said getting in my face. Okay I know when a guy is being a jerk. But this dude is not just a jerk he is being an ass.

"I said I am sorry. You don't have to get all in my face and threaten me. I didn't mean to bump into you. It was an accident." I said to him.

"Peter get away from her." I heard someone yelled at the guy in front of me. Peter, that is his name.

"Peter, that's your name. Well then Peter. Next time just say its okay and walk away. Don't get all in my face." I said to him.

"You listen here newbie. You don't tell me what to do." He said getting in my face again.

"Hey get out of my face." I said pushing him back. He tripped and fell. I saw Edward and Will standing there laughing at Peter.

"You will regret that newbie." He said getting up and coming after me. But before he reached me. Someone stepped in front of me. It was not Edward or Will because they came up next to me.

"What is going on here?" The guy in front of me asked.

"Nothing." I could hear Peter say. The guy in front of me is tall me so I can't see Peter. Then I heard footsteps walking away. Then the guy turned around. The guy that stepped in front of me to protect me was Four.

"Tris are you okay?" Edward asked me. I was looking at Four speechless. Why would he protect me.

"Your welcome." Four said to me.

"Oh. Thank-you." I said to him. He just shook his head smiling to himself as he walked away.

"Tris. Earth to Tris. Are you okay?" Will asked me this time.

"What? Yeah I am fine." I said to them.

"They you guys are. What is wrong? What happened that we missed?" Chris asked.

"Did that really just happened?" I asked Edward and Will.

"Yeah that did." Will said looking where Four walked away.

"What happened?" Lauran asked us.

"Four just protected Tris here from Peter." Edward said looking confused.

"What really? He didn't." Chris said.

"He did." I said. I told them all what happened between me and Peter. Then I told them about Four protecting me from Peter.

"Wow. I can't believe that." Chris said to me.

"Yeah. I know. Why can't you believe it? He was just being nice to me." I said to them.

"Four really don't do that for any newbies. No offence Tris. But only helps out his friends and even then he some times won't help." Lauren said to me. " Trust me. I know Four he is like my brother." She looked at me. We ate our breakfast. Then me and Chris said good-bye to everyone. Then we headed to catch the train.

"We are jumping on again. So be ready." Chris said. Then the train came and we ran after it. Chris got on easily. Of course she did. She has been doing this for years. I had a trouble. I grabbed the handle and tried to swing myself up but couldn't get my leg up there. I felt a pair of hands helping me in. I looked up to see...

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