Chapter 9

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We hanged out with the others for a while until both me and Chris was getting tired and we turned it in for the day. I can't wait for tomorrow. I have to call Austin before school and after. I promised him I would do that on my first day of school. I then fell a sleep.

The next morning I wake up to my alarm and Chris moving around.

"Morning sleep head. You might want to get up and ready for your first day of Divergent High. You are going to love it." She said to me. I got out of bed and went to brush my hair first.

"Thanks Chris for trying to keep the nerves away." I said to her.

"No problem. Also you won't be alone ever in the day. You will have at least one of everyone in the group in your class. I already looked at your schedule and texted it to the rest of the gang. So don't be worry about being alone. You will never be. We got you." She said to me. "Also to help you. I have your outfit already for you to go." Chris said pointing to an outfit on a chair. It was a red shirt with black jeans and a black jacket.

"Thanks Chris.That really helps me out a lot." I said getting up and giving her a hug.

"No problem girly. Now get ready so we can get breakfast and get to school early so I can show you around. I know the headmisters showed the school already but I am going to show you shortcuts to get to your classes quicker that only our friends know. So be in the Pit in ten mintunes." Chris said to me as she walked out of our room. I got ready quickly because I didn't want to miss anything even though I know I won't. When I was walking down I called Austin.

"Hey Beatrice." Austin said when he picked up.

"Hey Austin. What's up?"

"Nothing. Getting ready for my first day of Divergent High. What's new with you?" I asked him.

"Walking to school right now. I walked to your house and then remembered that you are not there. So how that place so far?" He asked me.

"It is really nice. Everyone is nice. Excpect this one guy. He has something up with him." I told him.

"A mystery guy. Beatrice, don't do it." He said to me.

"Don't do what?" I asked me. He knows me to well. I already know what he is going to say.

"If he does what to get know you. Then leave him alone. What about just leave him alone any ways. I don't want you to get hurt. I know you. Mystery guys are what you like. They are the most dangerous. So please stay away." He asked me.

"I can't we are in the same faction. I will problaby see him alot." I told him.

"Okay. Just be safe. I am not there to protect you. Even though I wish I was. I really miss you." He said to me.

"I miss you too. But I will see you soon I hope." I said to him.

"Yeah. I asked your parents if I could come to visiting day and they said yes. So I will see you then and we will finding out if I can come to that school." He said to me.

"That would be nice having my other brother here with me. What about football? It is your life." I asked him. Austin loves his football.

"I will just start a team there. Any ways the guys here really suck here anyways. I am really the ony good one. Don't tell me I being full of myself because you know it's true." Austin said.

"Yeah. Well I should let you go. Have a great day Austin. I will call you after school. Okay?" I said smiling into the phone.

"Okay. Call you later. Beatrice, everything is going to be okay. Just breathe and be yourself. Everyone will love you for who you are." He said to me.

"Thanks Austin. I really don't know what I will do without you." I said.

"No problem. Talk to you later." He said. Then we both hanged up. I really miss him. He is my best guy friends. He is like family to me. I was walking to the Pit until I accidently hit it to someone. Then I looked up to see.....

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