1~ Well... That Just Happened

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Hi! This is the author who says a whole bunch of boring and annoying stuff at the beginning of a story and a few chapters. I'll try to keep this brief so you can get on with life. 

Disclaimer - I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter (THIS DISCLAIMER IS FOR THE WHOLE BOOK)

Out of respect for me, please don't curse in the comment section. With that, don't hate on people either in the comments. It's not nice to degrade others.

(Thank you to LunaStarTheCat for help with this! 👍)


It was just a normal breakfast with the Weasleys. Ginny was arguing with Ron about something, Hermione was spouting off facts about the new repairs that Hogwarts made, and George was no where to be seen. He just hadn't been the same since Fred died. 

All of a sudden, a tawny owl flew in, followed by a grey one, and a snowy owl. My lungs constricted, at first I had thought that the owl was Hedwig. It was a rude awakening. The grey one dropped a letter on my plate, then swooped out the door, followed by the other two. 

I looked at the letter and my eyes widened. It was held closed with wax bearing the Hogwarts seal. I tore it open in excitement. Ginny had gotten her's last week, and I had started to think that I wouldn't be getting any word from the school at all.  

Dear Mr. Potter, 

Due to the fact that last term was interrupted by the war, you have been asked to retake your seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. All of the equipment is the same as last term's was, and it will be unneeded to buy new items if they were not destroyed or lost. 

Also, this year is going to be significantly different, considering that there will be exchange students from America. You, along with some of your friends, have been asked to show these individuals around the school. You may not ask them about their past, and are forbidden to do any research on it whatsoever. Failing to do this may result in expulsion, and not finishing your final year at Hogwarts. You may be asking yourself why, and to simply put it, their past is quite traumatic and is not something they wish to speak of. 


Minerva McGonagall     


I nearly fell off my chair in excitement. I would be going back to Hogwarts for my final year, and probably wouldn't die! Voldemort was gone, pretty much every single one of the Death Eaters were in prison, and other than the exchange students, it was going to be NORMAL. 

I was interested in the new students. Why was their past so secretive?


I walked slowly down the beach, shallow waves flowing over my bare feet as they sank into the soaked sand. The sun had set a few minutes ago, and the stars were just barely peaking out on the edge of a gold horizon. 

I may have looked content to the passerby, happy even. But I knew better. My shoulders were stooped under the weight of the last war, and I was drowning in a sea of memories. 

Annabeth, bloody and battered, leaning against me as we hid from monsters in Tartarus. Leo, disappearing in a brilliant explosion to save us. Jason, summoning Tempest to battle. Piper, snarling ferociously as she slashed with her dagger. Frank, rushing to save Hazel from an empousa that was sneaking up on her. Hazel, summoning the metals of an Amazon warehouse to save us from a bunch of warrior women. Nico, sitting catatonic in a bronze jar, pomegranate seeds laid out at his feet. A trickle of blood running from my nose, a single drop of it falling to the ground in slow motion. The rumble of Gaea. So. Many. Memories. All of them fighting to pull me under. 

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