Devil Doesn't Sleep

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1:14 PM
Arise on a bed that isn't yours.
A bed that doesn't have
blue sheets
and the smell of cologne.
A bed in a room that isn't
covered with a variety of items,
varnished with memories
and secrets.

1:20 PM
There is no point in
saying farewell.
There is no point in
kissing her and walking out
you were only there for
one night.

3:17 PM
Step through the doorframe
and avoid being spotted by
absent parents
that don't see you in the first place.
Reach into the cabinet:
one bottle of whiskey,
three bottles of tequila,
four bottles of wine.
Your fingers enveloped with cuts
curl around the neck of Jack D.

3:35 PM
The liquor is gone
and off you go with it.
The little bag
containing eight pills
is empty
and you are empty with it.
The cuts layered on the bruises
that tint your knuckles
are open and sore
and you are tired.
Everything is heavy.

9:00 PM
You have cleansed the night before
from your body,
but you have not cleansed your soul.
Yet here you are,
about to intoxicate your body,
about to paint your hands with blood,
about to be another girl's nightmare,
about to make another mess.

2:56 AM
You learn your lessons,
but you also learn
how to get away with things.

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