I bowed at her and left the room. I need to talk with them CEO to tell that Jess isn't feeling okay and she needs to leave early today and the next 2 days she needs to get it off. Also I need to talk with my manager to get myself 2 days off so I can take care of her.

I got out of the mini clinic and headed to the CEO office. On my way there I saw Key.
"Hey,Key! What's up?"
"Oh, Jjong hyung! Nothing I was going home. Where are you going?"
"To ask CEO something." I don't want him to know that Jess is sick, if he knows he will come too and I  won't be staying alone with her. I don't know why I want to stay alone with her so much but I just do.
"What is it? Are you okay? Do you need something? Or did something happened to you?" He asked. Key  doesn't show it but he is a person who cares and worries for someone.
"No, don't worry. I need to talk with him about the new music I'm doing for the girl group."
"Ohhh, okay. See you home then, or are you going to your own home? "
"I'm going at mine's. I got to finish somethings. Oh, Key I ain't  going to come for the next 2 days. I need to work somewhere calm and with less people. Do me a favour and tell the others too, okay? " he nodded his head , waved his hand bye and left.

I arrived at the office. I knocked and got inside. Everytime I come here I have this feeling in my stomach, like something bad is going to happen.

"Oh, Jonghyun-ssi. Seat down. How is the preparation for the music for the girl group going?" He said.
"Everything is going perfect, Sir. But that isn't what I came here for."
"What is it? Is anything bothering you? " I shaked my head no. "Then is anything wrong going on with the other members?" Again I shaked my head no. "Oh, speak! What is it?" I can sense that he is losing his tamper. I don't what this so I started to explain what happened with Jess and that she along with me need the next 2 days off. She needs to recover, and me being me , I can't leave her alone so I'm going to take care of her.
"If that's the case than you can get your days off. But talk with your manager too. " I nodded my head yes. I got up to leave when he asked me a question that caught me out of guards.
"Jonghyun, is it possible that you may have feelings for this girl?"
"Of course not, Sir." I said. I don't have feelings for her but why when I said it even I didn't believe it.
"Are you sure?" I nod my head. "If you want to date , you can do so. It's not like this is the first time you are going to date."
"Yes , I know. I will take my leave." I bowed and left the room.

I tried not to think what he just told me. You see.  Me and my ex didn't ended things up on the best way. I did really loved her. We were thinking to make it even public, but that was until she cheated on me. I was completely broken. This even damage my performance as an idol. I got thinner, my body couldn't cope with the activities and lots of time I would faint or I was put in a hospital. It's been almost a year since it have happened , but the wound it left is still here.

I don't want to think about it anymore. Since Jess came into my life I have been happier. I really want to have her by my side because it seems that my day goes better.

I got back to the clinic and saw that she wasn't sleeping anymore.
"Hello, sleeping beauty! How are you feeling? " I asked her with a smile on my face. She smiled back.
"I'm fine. Come on let's get back to work. We got a lot to do." She was trying to get up , when I went near her and put my hands on her shoulder to prevent her from seating  up. I caught her cheeks with my hands.
"What ar----?" She didn't finish. I kissed her forehead to check her temperature.  She was still hot. I got back and saw that her cheeks were even more red than before, I think her temperature is going up again. 
"You're going home, young lady. For the next 2 days you and me are not  coming to work. Understood?" I said.
"2..2..da..days.. me and ..... you.... what I'm not understanding?" She stuttered.
"The doctor said that you need to rest for the next 2 days and that you need someone to take care  of you. So that someone is going to be me. "
" What is it ? You don't want to?"
"What?.... oh, no. Sure you can come but what is going to happened with your work? "
"Oh don't worry I told the CEO about it." She nodded.
"So let's go. I don't want you to get even more sick than you already are."
I got her things and carefully she got up on her feet. I offered her my arm to hold as she walked. From the back door of the company,  we got out and went towards her car. I put her things on the back of the car and closed the door. She was ready to get to the driver seat.
"Excuse me , but what do you think you are doing?" I asked her. She showed me her keys. Does she really think that I'll let her drive in this condition of her's.
"Are you out of your mind? Clearly you are. Give me your keys." And I put my hand forward.
"Why?" This girl is really giving me a hard time.
"To throw it on the bin." I said rolling my eyes. " To drive of course,  you idiot. I'm not letting you kill the both for us. So let me drive and you can rest till we arrive at your home. " She nodded and handed me the keys.
We got in and I started to drive. I could see that she was going to sleep very soon. And I was right. Afer a few minutes she fell asleep. I continued driving while checking her once in a while.  Afer arriving at her block of flats , she was still sleeping.  I felt sorry to wake her up but I couldn't do anything else. I shaked her shoulder gently and said with a low and sweet voice to wake up. She barely opened her eyes , I could see that her temperature was going up and up. So I hurried her to get inside. We got the elevator. The ride was short but she rested her hand on my shoulder. I didn't say a thing. But I could feel her burning. We heard the ding dong of the elevator and got outside. She opened her door and let me in. I put her stuff on the ground and I hear a noise behind me. I turn around and I saw that she was laying on the floor.
"JESS!!" I ran to her . I touched her forehead and it was burning hot. I got her up bride style and took her to her room. I took off her jacket and shoes. I lay her down on the bed and wrapped her in a blanket. I ran to the kitchen and got a bowl with cold water and a towel to put it in her forehead. I went to her room and put her the cold towel to reduce her temperature. As she was laying there I opened a little bit the window so that the fresh air could come in and left the room to see if there are any ingredients to make her some soup. But before leaving I changed her towel. She caught my hand.
"Thank you!" She opend her eyes and said in a low voice.
"Don't mention it. Say here for a little bit I'm going to cook you some soup so you could eat it." I said smiling.  She nodded and closed her eyes again.
I left her room and headed to the kitchen. I got the things that I needed and started to cook.
After finishing I got it on a bowl and went to her room. She was still sleeping.
"Jess, wake up. I made you some soup.  You need to eat it so then you'll drink the medicines." I said while seating next to her. She opened her eyes. I helped her to seat up.
"Can you eat by yourself or do you want me to feed you? "
"I'll do it myself thanks." She said. She looks so powerless though,  like she is about to die right now. She got the spoon, but her hands were shaking.
"Give it to me. I'll give it to you." I got the spoon out of her hand and started to feed her. I put the spoon with the soup near her lips and she started to eat it.
"How is it?" I asked. "I'm not the best cooker you can find, but I manage to survive." I said giggling.
"It's really good." She said gigging too.
Afer finishing all the soup, I reached to kiss her forehead to see if she still had temperature.
"It looks like you still have a little bit of temperature but if you get the medicines and sleep you'll be better. Change your clothes too. I'll go to the kitchen and come back in a while." I said and left.

I went to the kitchen and did the dishes I don't want her to get even more tired. Afer finishing I went to her room. I knocked on her door.
"Are you done can I come in?"
"Come in."
I got inside and went to her bed.
"Drink it." She took the medicines. "Good girl. Now go to sleep. I'll sing you a lullaby."
"A lullaby? Am I 5?" She said smiling.
"Shhhh..." Then i started to sing her a song my mom used to sing to me. I still love to hear her sing it for me even now. It used to put me very fast to sleep. And it work with her too. I kissed her forehead and left to sleep to her couch that she hand in her room. I want to have her near and check her during the night.


Hey guys!!!!!!!
I hope you'll enjoy the chapter. From now on I'll update on Wednesday.  If I have free time I'll update on other time but we'll see. Thank you for your support.  Love you all beautiful people. Till next time.


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