Different Wolf

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My gaze was fixed on the other white wolf dripping with blood, his eyes met mine and concern filled his features.

Are you okay? He asked 

I shook my head quickly shifting my gaze between the torn bodies and him.

Dustin crouched and crept forward... he was whimpering. I yelped out and tried to push myself back further.

I'm not gonna hurt you.. I promise. But you need to fight too.. what if we encounter more? I can't take them on myself. I need your assistance. He rose to his feet and glanced toward the now open cage door We need to hurry, before anyone finds out what happened.

I trust him.. but what I witnessed was not something I've seen before.. I heard how this pack talked about my kind.. what we were. The strength he showed was not something I knew of and it was terrifying. But nonetheless he hasn't showed any disdain toward me. 

I nodded and walked toward the gate, Dustin licked my nose before we both exited the cell. This room consisted of five other cells and it had a back hallway that led outside so guards could quickly drop of equipment here or bring prisoners. We walked past the cells, I paused at the cell I was housed in. I saw a small photo in the corner, I quickly averted my eyes. Soft whimper escaped my throat. I knew who use to inhabit these cells.. they were used for experiments. They wanted to know more of the White wolf. The amount of times they compared me to the body of a normal wolf... I cringed at the remembrance of the test. 

I snapped from my thoughts and picked up my pace to catch up with Dustin. The mood among us was somber. I looked over to Dustin as we continued walking, he was lost in thought. 

A slight rustle brought my attention forward, I trained my ears again and listened again. There are two wolves.. guard wolves blocking the way out. I growled slightly and trotted forward.

What is it? Dustin asked 

There's a way out down here. I can sense two guards, they'll most likely be a lot stronger than the last two. I whispered softly.

Dustin jumped over me and nipped my ear. We can take them, he barked 

I snarled lowly Lets do this.

We both stalked forward, our eyes and ears trained toward the smallest sounds as we neared the guards. I've never done anything like this.. they may have done cruel things to me but... how can I kill my own kind?

Two large wolves appeared into view, both were lounging around obviously bored. Dustin nipped at my ear and we both shared a glance. He gave me a quick nod and I offered a slow one. Dustin immediately pounced onto the large of the wolves while I attacked the dark sandy one. Both wolves were taken by surprise which worked in our favor.

Guilt filled by being as a latched myself to the wolf, my teeth digging into his flesh. He bucked around to try and knock me off but I held on. The wolf slammed to the side and I let go with a yelp, I quickly flipped to my feet as he jumped toward me, I mirrored his movements but ducked low and went for his neck. I thrashed and shook my head as much as I could, I felt his neck snap.. I just killed a wolf? I slowly dropped the still creature. 

Why was I covered in blood? I tried to kill with our much of it shed from the wolf.. My eyes looked up to Dustin who stood above a wolf that was barely recognizable. His eyes were no longer his, he stood with a superiority and a gaze that was out for blood. I backed up slightly, he looked terrifying.

Why are you being such a child!?  he snarled We are wolves! We kill! Get used to it.

Unlike you I feel remorse for killing my own kind, though they may have been ruining me I still feel guilt. Since you seem to have this all figured out I will take my leave. I know this place more than you could ever imagine. I have seen more and experienced more. he paused looking on There should be a way out up ahead. After that we will part ways. I prefer not to associate myself with a heartless killer ! I was seething, I turned away from him and continued walking on.

We walked in silence. My feelings were all mixed up and I was confused on what to do. He was partially right.. we are wolves.. we do indeed kill.. but I've never done this before..

I heard Dustin sigh Ash... I'm sorry. I don't know what happened back there, but it wasn't normal. This... power washed over me. I felt so powerful, I felt like I could destroy every wolf in this damn place. The strength came from the complete blue and.. I have no excuse for it but please understand that I don't know what happened. Something switched inside me Ash... it happened before too.. outside the cell. I looked back at him, he looked broken.. His eyes stared at mine apologetically and his words were sincere and honest.

He was right again.. he became a completely different wolf.. he acted as if he was a god. 

I looked back at him and spoke softly Look, I'm sorry for what I called you. Once we get out and back to our mates we will figure out what happened to you, okay? Lets keep going the exit is just up ahead. No more guards should be here.

He barked a soft response and trotted unto me gently nipping at my muzzle. I responded with a lop sided grin before we both made our exit.


One or two more chapters till this book will be finished!! I'm combining it with 'Strong Submissive' 's second book. I like both groups of characters a ton and they will all play a huge role in the next book. Once this one is finished I will be working to finish my reworked version of strong submissive before I begin the second book.

Thank you for your patience and support!

-Love the Happy Lark

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