Chapter 12: Wedding day

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8 months later:


Well it is my wedding right now and I am freeking out so much. I dont know how to calm down because today is a big and special day for me and Elijah. While my best friend Juli is helping me. I meet a few days after he asked me to marry him. I meet her at a bar me and some of my friends was celebraiting the day after he asked me to marry him. It was a crazy night and we meet in a restroom and we amedintly became bessties.

Well while she was trrying to help with the hair my mother in law came in I meet her a week after the weeding and she was so nice, we became really close. she told me to call her mum and I did and now it just sticked, so now I call her mum. ( She likes when I call her mum because she always has a small smile on her face, even Elijha likes it.)

"Hi mum " I say as I see her walk in from the mirror. "Hi crystal, dont you look beautiful."she says as she tears up a bit. Then I tell her not to cry vecause it was going to make me cry, because of my hormones.

While I was talking to mum I didn't realize I was ready, until Julie (my best friend from the bar) shouted "DONE". when I looked in the mirror I looked amazing and we where all tearing up a bit.

A few moments later:

It was time to walk down the isle to get married I was a nerverse wreck. I jumped when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and hered a manly chuckle, it was my father in law ((Elijhas dad)I also call him dad, his reactions was also like mums).He took my had and told me "etherything is going to be ok, calm down a bit and take some deep breaths." I did and while I was doing that I headed music coming on.

I was walking down the isle with a smile on my face because today is an amazing day. As I got to Elijha we both had big smiles on our faces and a few tears going down our faces."You look beautiful" he said when the music started to slow down I gave him another small smile.

An hour later and we both said our vows, it was now the part where we say I do."I, Crystal, take thee, Elijah , to be my wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith [or] pledge myself to you." I said.

Then Elijah said "I, Elijah , take thee, Crystal, to be my wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith [or] pledge myself to you."

"Now I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the br......."

Before he could finished the sentence Elijah was already kissing me. We heared lots of cheers and crying around us.

2 hours later:

Me and Elijha was dancing with each other when he told me that our honeymoon was a surprise and we was going on our private jet. I really wanted to know so I kept bugging him and all he was doing was chuckle.

"Well then I won't tell you your surprise you just have to wait." I said sticking my tongue out. Haha I thought.

I nearly told him what it was because he was doing his cute puppy dog eyes and pouting face. So I quickly closed my eyes and I heared him laugh again because his pouty face always work and he knew that.

3 hours later:
(On the private jet now to our honeymoon)

It is now 10.00 pm and we was on the private jet and he told me where we was going and it's going to be fantastic and we are going to Paris.

I was so excited I was bouncing so hard  and cheering, I could hear him laughing at me so I just pouted and that just made him laugh more.

We then was laying down in the room that was in the jet an hour later and I was going to tell him the surprise.
(Wonder what that could be)

"ok the surprise is that ......."


What will his surprise be?

We just going to have to wait don't we.



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