Chapter 14

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With heavy breathe Yuri woke up from her deprived sleep. It's another Monday, another first day of the week. And the first thing she did after opening her droopy eyes is none other than checking her phone.

Hoping there would be a message from the one she missed so much. Or at least a sign of her being well and alive. Yuri couldn't help but to keep worrying over her in her absence, or rather her disappearance since the last time they met.

She stretched her arms, reaching her phone just at the side of her bed. Swiped up the screen hastily but just like the other day... nothing is there.

Another start of hellish week again. And without Yena's presence...

She thought to herself.

Hellish? You're exaggerating so much, Jo Yuri.

She tried to comfort herself.

But Yuri's days since that day were absolutely like hell. She explained about the misfortune she had about the plant to Prof. Lee. The professor understood the situation well and tried to help by talking to higher up about this matter. But the worst scenario happened as the result. They still strictly said that the requirement still applies the same.

She sought help from Juno again but it still takes too much time to get another one. And that would resulting of being late to submit thesis which means Yuri should take an additional semester to graduate.

It was hard for Yuri.

I guess I'll have to accept the fact that I won't be graduating this semester. Taking another semester won't be that bad, will it?

She was slowly finally accepting that the worst possibility has come to her school life. She doesn't mind it as much as before. It can't be helped either way.

But when it comes to Yena?

She always feels restless when she thinks of her. Living another day becomes harder for Yuri not knowing where the latter is. Anxiety keeps coming into her mind endlessly. And that's what mostly kept her bothered and hard to sleep during the nights.

Also the fact that they have finally become much, much more closer, had an honest talk with each other already, and to take things slowly but...

Why did she have to leave without any words? Does she still jog everyday like she used to? Has she eaten breakfast today? What did she eat? What kind of scenery she wakes up to?

And lastly,

... is she alive?

Yuri dropped her phone back on the bed and prepared herself to go to campus despite all the stress. She took a bath and skipped breakfast, she just doesn't have any appetite to eat anything in the morning anymore.

She dressed up just casually, not caring much about her looks anymore. She took her backpack, leaving the condo and closed the door.

She walked out the building nonchalantly, her heart is still suffering alone even in the middle of the crowd.

Until her eyes caught a familiar figure within the crowd, standing not too far from the building.


That was the blonde girl.

The figure she missed so much. Her brain didn't give her time to think that she just turn her faint steps into a full run in instant. She tried to avoid bumping into people even if she fails to do so. To Yuri, it doesn't matter regardless.

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