Chapter 11

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Jo Yuri slowly walked around a mall, it was already evening in Wednesday, her ankle was all better already. It was the day when Yuri is going to treat Minju, Juno, and Wonyoung too. Also the day that Juno going to hand her the Geumgang Bellflower she needed.

She walked aimlessly, lurking the mall alone, eyeing stores as she passed by. Minju had wanted to accompany Yuri but sadly the girl had a stomachache since morning, first day of monthly period she said, thus cancelled to tag along.

Yuri had invited Yujin to come along and luckily the latter only has morning class that day, so she agreed to come over. Soon enough, Yujin's figure appeared in Yuri's vision. She ran her fingers on her hair with a bright smile plastered on face as she walks toward Yuri. Yuri looked at her then wave her hand by the sight of her.

"It was quite a long drive coming here this sudden," Yujin began, the two girls continue their stroll.

"I'm sorry to suddenly summon you here, my friend had a stomachache since morning."

Yujin raised one her brow, "So I'm just the replacement?"

"That's not what I mean," Yuri scoffed, eyes still searching for a place she hasn't decided for them to dine in.

"At least you're gonna buy me food so it works fine with me," she said, a wide grin grew on her face.

They kept strolling around the mall until Yujin tucked Yuri's sleeve in front of a certain restaurant. "I heard this place have the best samgyeopsal" she whispered, "Let's just choose this one, Yuri."

Yuri wanted to shrug away, but hearing "samgyeopsal"? She couldn't let herself drooling at the site, so she just nods her head in agreement. "Sounds delicious."

The staff welcomed them warmly as they entered the shop. "Welcome in, for how many people, Miss?"

"Four," Yuri answered simply.

"Please follow me," the staff started to walk and lead them to a table with four chairs. "Do you want to order now?"

"We will order later."

"Please call me if you're ready to order, Miss, now if you'll excuse me," the staff excused herself and went back to her station.

Yuri pulled out her phone from pocket, letting Juno and Wonyoung know her location so they could come straight there. In ten minutes later, the two has arrived, entering the restaurant side by side.

Yujin's jaw dropped at the immediate sight of the two good looking figures walking toward their table. Seeing her friend's jaw dropped like that, Yuri elbowed Yujin lightly. "Do not embarrass me, Yujinnie," she said in a low voice.

Yujin pulled to reality by the elbow, "But that's my job here", she whispered back. "They both are gorgeous," she added gaining the brunette to chuckle at her statement.

Wonyoung greeted them, "Hi Yuri-sunbae! And oh..." she looked at Yujin who looked up to her, flashing her smile. "I see we have new company here," the Jang cousins then took their seat across Yuri and Yujin.

"Yeah, Minju couldn't make it today so I bring this puppy instead," Yuri said making Wonyoung to giggle while Yujin rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, Jo Yuri, I'm not your puppy," Yujin snorted then facing back to Wonyoung, her eyes were beaming in adoration. "I'm An Yujin, nice to meet you," she offered her hand with wide smile on her face.

The latter threw back an innocent smile and shook Yujin's hand, "Jang Wonyoung. And this is my cousin, Juno-oppa," she pulled out her hand then Juno reach to shake Yujin's hand.

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