Chapter 1

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"Oneulbuteo naekkeoya naekkeoya naekkeoya kkok naekkeo"

"Naekkeoya naekkeoya naekkeoya, superstar!"

"Naekkeoya naekkeoya naekkeoya kkok naekkeo"

"Malhaejullae, pick me up!"

Yuri was in cafeteria munching her burger for lunch when she suddenly heard her phone's ringtone. It was a call from her grandpa, it's unexpected that he call her at this time. They rarely call but usually do video calls on Skype by weekend. Yuri grabbed her phone on the table with her other free hand and slide it to answer the call.

"Yes, Grandpa?"

"Yuri..." he said in a very low voice. To Yuri's ears he sounded almost broken.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" Yuri knows too well when either her grandpa or grandma calls at day then it must be a news that would delivered by them through phone call. It could be about her parents' return from their business trip but not at this time. Not when she can hear his voice tone like that.

"Yuri... Your grandma... S-she just passed away," Yuri dropped her burger right away making her friend look at her confusedly. Yuri's gaze now was on the floor for few seconds before she try to compose herself again.

"What?!" Yuri asked in disbelief. He doesn't reply and just keep silent. They both went silent for a while and Yuri could imagine her grandpa is trying hard not to cry on the phone. She felt her chest being pierced with something sharp by the image she creates herself about her grandpa, knowing that it's actually really happening at the moment. She finally speak up again, "Grandpa, I'll come home right away. You stay safe okay? Love you."

She hung up and put the phone inside her pocket then stood up while taking the leftover burger. She was about to throw it to trash bin before her friend, Minju, stopped her by grabbing her hand.

"Who called you?"

Yuri only stares blankly at her confused friend, she's still in disbelief state after the news she just heard. Minju tapped Yuri's shoulder then shake it a bit so that Yuri could come back to reality.

"What's wrong, Yuri? You don't look okay now."

"My grandma passed away. I'll go back home today." She finally answered and didn't realize that her tears already pouring down to her cheeks now. Minju gasped at the answer then wipe Yuri's tears with her hands.

"I-I'm sorry to hear that and for your loss, Yuri," Minju hugged her tightly then pulled away. "Do you want me to accompany you go home? You know driving alone when you're in this state is not a good idea."

"No, I'll be fine by my own, Minju," she shook her head then reached for Minju's hand trying to convince that she'll be okay driving alone. She is strong, or rather trying to be one because she knew she needs to. "We still have classes today and I need you to inform my absence in the class later. Thank you for the offer though. I'll be going now," Yuri smiled weakly at Minju, picking her bag then started to walk away and throw the leftover burger in the bin.

"Take care on your way and text me later, okay?" Yuri heard her friend's yell. She turned her head back and nodded then continue walk fast to parking lot area.


The next day, Yuri cries the whole time at the funeral. Her parents and big family were also there, they arrived quite late in the evening last night. Yuri was the first to arrive because it only took her 3 hours of driving to go home. When they gathered in the living room, her grandpa told them that his wife got an accident. She slipped away making her head crashed that hard toward the house wall yesterday's morning. He called ambulance and they were safely arrived in hospital but his wife didn't get better after the treatment. That was his last moment to see his wife breathing.

Back in the funeral, Yuri was still sobbing looking at the grave when suddenly a tall girl approached her. The tall girl's hair is brown and short – shoulder length. Yuri knows who she is even without looking directly at the girl.

"Yuri, I'm really sorry for your loss. Healing prayers and hugs for you," the girl gave Yuri a hug and Yuri hugged her back finally averting her gaze from the grave.

"Come on Yuri, now that I'm here you should stop sobbing. You'll shoo your prettiness away that way," Yuri could only chuckle on the joke her childhood friend make. She's younger but didn't call Yuri with 'unnie' due to Yuri's request when they were kids. Her childhood friend is an easygoing person, hence she's always fun to be with.

"I can see you're doing okay this past year, Yujin. I missed you," Yuri slowly pulled away from the hug before she realized that Yujin has gotten even taller even though she is two years younger.

"What the hell, An Yujin?!" Yuri gave a surprised look when she sees Yujin properly now. At this time she already stopped crying.

"Huh? What? Is anything on my face? Tell me, Jo Yuri!"

"You've gotten even taller again, didn't you?"

"Oh that, what's new about me growing taller 1cm every time you see me? You rarely come back here anyway, I'm still growing you know," she replied sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, Yujin. College life drained my time away and being in senior year doesn't help me but to be hectic all the time," Yuri said while rolling her eyes at the thought of her dull daily life in campus.

"Okay but let me tell you this beforehand so you won't get shocked in the future. The next time you go and come back home, you'll see me at two meter height!" They both laughed at the image Yujin gave earlier.

"There there, young tall girl. Have some mercy, our petite Yuri can't relate at all," they stopped their laugh to see whose voice is coming their way.

"Eunbi-unnie! You are the same height as me so you should say that you too can't relate at all!" Yuri pouts making Yujin and her older sister, Eunbi, laughs out loud. Like Yuri said, Eunbi is the same height as her. They are six years apart and Eunbi is already married to Kwon family.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry Yuri, shorty girls are cute anyway," Eunbi added.

"That doesn't mean a tall girl can't be cute though, just look at me, Unnie," Yujin said flashing her brightest smile at them. The two sisters can only giggles to see Yujin trying to be cute. Yujin frowned before she speaks up again.

"Anyway Yuri, let's hang out tomorrow. You're rarely here anyway so we should catch up with each other before you go back to campus. Also, I won't take no for an answer."

"What the heck? I don't have a choice but to follow you then, so take this as an okay from me," Yuri groaned but deep inside she knows Yujin is asking her out in order to cheer her up. Yujin is that kind of friend. She appreciates that. She feels she must be lucky to have Yujin as a friend since she really is a moodmaker.    

A/N: "Where is Yena?"

I'm sorry not sorry, she will appear in next chapter a real lot. This is just beginning. ;)

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