"Uh ... yes," Elliot replied as he shook her outstretched hand.

"Olivia has talked about both of you quite a lot. He's so precious," she said as she rubbed Noah's back. "Well we better get in there, she's not very patient," she chuckled and turned to knock on the door.

"Uh ... Doctor?" Elliot said hesitantly and she turned back to him. "Just take care of them. Get them both through this safely ... she's my world."

Dr.Childs rested her hand on his shoulder, "I promise you that I will do my best to keep Olivia and your baby safe and healthy."

Elliot nodded his head, "Thank you."

"It's my job," she replied and knocked on the door again.

Elliot was sitting in a chair up by Olivia's head. Dr.Childs had done most of the exam and was setting up to do the ultrasound. Since it was still too early to do a standard ultrasound through the skin they were doing a transvaginal one instead.

"This might be a little uncomfortable," Dr.Childs warned her.

Olivia held Elliot's hand and sucked in her breath. She looked towards Elliot who looked more uncomfortable than she did and also a little concerned. She squeezed his hand and he looked over at her, "It doesn't hurt." Elliot looked over her face for any sign of pain and then nodded his head.

"Okay you two. Here's your baby," Dr.Childs said, turning the monitor around to

face them. They both stared at the screen and watched as Dr.Childs measured different

things and took snapshots of what she was looking at.

"So this is the baby," she told them pointing to a small dark shadowed area with a small lighter area in the middle."You're looking to be about seven weeks so that puts your due date around March second. We'll be able to get a better idea as the pregnancy progresses so that might change. The baby is about half an inch long or the size of a blueberry to give you some perspective. It's hands and feet have started forming from its developing arms and legs. "

It was the smallest form of life but it was still the most amazing thing to Elliot and Olivia. In roughly seven months their blueberry sized embryo would be their baby. The tiny hands and feet that were told to look  more like paddles right now would be the pudgy soft hands and feet that they could smother in kisses.

Dr.Childs flipped a switch and the room was filled with the sound of their baby's heartbeat.

Tears sprang to Olivia's eyes, as well as Elliot's, as the most glorious sound filled the room. He stood up, being mindful of Noah, moving her chin so she was looking up at him. He brushed some hair away from her eyes dropped a lingering kiss to her lips. Once he pulled back he wiped away some of the stray tears making their way down her cheeks, "That's our baby."

"I think that's the most incredible sound I've ever heard," she whispered, wiping more tears from her face. Nothing had ever been so comforting, so reassuring. Together they had created life, a tiny living human that was growing inside of her. Their baby's heartbeat was everything. It was the reason she had suffered so long, the reason she had all of the lows she had, why she had been through the ringer, it was all to get to this point. If one thing had been different, one simple minute little thing hadn't happened, she wouldn't be here right now.  

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