"You're a guardian angel, Taeyong. And you lived a great life; so, why is it so hard to remember your place now?" He asked quietly, his voice finally acknowledging my presence.

"My place?" I repeated, not able to help the blatant look of disbelief on my face. "With all due respect, but that was out of the question the moment I realised she could see me too,"

"Still, I'm sure you're aware that there were different ways to handle that situation, am I correct?"

"Yeonghwan, I don't know. I still haven't figured out why I can see her in the first place. Much less the problem I'm supposed to help her with."

With a strangely knowing look, Yeonghwan just said, "Maybe you're looking too hard."

I didn't have the heart to answer.

"What I just did-" I started, the tips of my ears turning red as I look away. "I just want to let you know that it was my only choice. Things were derailing too fast for me to do anything that took a lot of time."

a lie

It might've been the last resort, but I would do again one hundred times if it was with her.

"Your only choice, huh? That just sounds like a fancy excuse to me."

I resisted a sigh. It sounded pessimistic, but I knew that there was no way that Yeonghwan ever understand. He was part of an old generation of guardian angels, one that had been around for almost longer than time itself. His traditions and morals were rock hard, and if my case wasn't the most blatant rock crashing through the window for him, I didn't know what was.



Yeonghwan held a small smile and hoped the younger wouldn't notice how stiff the action was. Taeyong didn't look particularly worried, but he seemed to be having an inner battle himself, most likely one that Yeonghwan couldn't even hope to ever understand.

Taeyong was like a mystery, his actions and thoughts too complex for Yeonghwan to understand.

Ever since he'd been placed under Yeonghwan six years ago, he'd been that way. But, watching him with the human he'd been assigned to, Cha Dohyeong, he'd learned more about him in the span of one month than he had in the span of six years.

He didn't understand, and truthfully, he didn't care to. He liked seeing Taeyong enjoy himself in the human world again, and he liked everything that came back to him. Sure, there were hiccups when Taeyong happened to make a bigger mistake, but everything had resulted in good things for him and the boy, so he never discouraged him in doing what he wanted to.

But, even this time, he still thought he had gone a little too far.

Before, it was understandable when he made a small mistake, and Yeonghwan was even rewarded sometimes for helping him so nicely, but now, this was an entirely different story. He couldn't send him off with a warning, and it would be no good to revoke his wings, especially after what had just happened.

But, Taeyong kept insisting that it was his last resort, so he still kept that thought in the back of his mind when deciding the boy's fate.

"It's not an excuse, Yeonghwan. I needed to get your attention, and that just happened to be the way I thought of first."

"Why in the world would you need to do that when you could just come up yourself? And why that, of all things?"

Taeyong let out an irritated sigh, running a hand through his hair. He chose to tackle the first question first, as the second one would probably take a lot more explaining. "I wasn't able to. I was beginning to appear to people besides Dohyeong, and I lost a few of my abilities for some time. So, I figured that was probably something I should fix."

the spaces in betweenㅣtaeyong Where stories live. Discover now