* 20 - Complications

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Heaving a sigh of defeat, she decided that staying with them was the best option and that led her to finally close her eyes, falling asleep in the warmth of Kai's arms. Taking notice of her sleeping figure, the messy-haired teen allowed himself to kiss her forehead and walk inside the Bounty once they arrived.

"I swear to you, Scarlett," He whispered, his voice almost sounding like that of a hum, "I'll find a way to regain your trust again. That's a promise."

But as he was about to open the door to her room she shared with Mia, his sister came over and once taking notice of a sleeping Scarlett in his arms, smiled warmly, "You got her back! But... how did you manage to pull that off, Kai?"

"It wasn't that easy, I'll tell you that much," Kai chuckled at her, lifting his hand off the doorknob, "Found her trying to sleep out behind some trash bins in an alleyway. I was lucky to have convinced her to come with me, or she might have been freezing more than she already is."

"Thank god she's alright..." Nya muttered, just enough for her brother to hear her, "Does she... still not trust us?"

Kai nodded.

"Yeah, but I promise, I'm gonna get her to regain her trust with us again and find a way to prove that what those shadows showed her wasn't the truth," Kai told his younger sister, flashing her a quick smile, "By the way, how is Mia doing?"

Nya sighed, slumping her shoulders and reached up to rub her left brow, "Not good... After you took off to find Scarlett, she snapped at me and locked herself in her room ever since. She won't come out to eat, refuses to talk with any of us, and she most certainly won't come out to train."

"Has Lloyd tried talking to her?" Kai asked her, frowning deeply.

"Yeah, but she won't even talk to him," Nya crossed her arms over her chest, keeping her head down, "I'm worried about her, Kai, and to think she was just fine before all of this happened a couple days ago."

Kai patted her on the head, knowing just how she felt, "We'll figure something out, I promise. But you should get some sleep, it's getting late already."


* * *

Upon the Green Ninja finding the door to Mia's room slightly opened the next morning, Lloyd automatically knew something was wrong. He carefully walked inside the room, shocked to find the redhead sitting and gulping down a glass of water while she had herself seated on her bed.

"Mia...?" He called out to the teenage girl, stepping inside the room and closing the door, "Are you alright?"

Mia sighed, removing the glass from her lips and setting it on the bedside table, "N-No, I don't feel alright... I feel terrible. I'm sorry I've been acting so immature lately, but wouldn't you act the same way if you're friend hated you and now she's hiding out in the city because she doesn't wanna be around you."

"Actually, something came up last night..." Lloyd pointed out, sitting next to her on the bed, "Kai came back last night with Scarlett. He was able to find her down in the city after checking another time."

Mia widened her eyes, "W-What? Are you serious?"

"What makes you think I'd lie to you, Red?" Lloyd shook his head, biting his lip and hesitating on whether he should take her hand or not. He just wanted to do more than hold her her hand, but wanted to respect that she needed her space with everything that was going on with her, "I love you way too much to have myself doing something like that."

The redhead didn't like the pained look he was making. He had done nothing wrong and yet, she knew he was wanting to touch and kiss like they always have. I can't keep leaving him walking on thin ice like this. It's wrong and selfish of me but... Maybe I can make things right again.

Ninja Within Shadows ► Ninjago [REWRITING]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat