What a Wish! A Return to Earth

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Beerus was puzzled that there was only one Super Dragon Ball left to be found.

"These wish orbs are as big as planets! How hard can they be?!" Beerus said as he kept trying to figure out where the next Dragon Ball is.

Bulma pulled out her Super Dragon Ball Radar and tries to find the last one.

"Lord Beerus? All of the Dragon Balls are here. According to the radar." Bulma said as she showed him. "The last one must be under us!" She said as she pointed to where they were located and a Dragon Ball was right there too.

Beerus was happy that the missing orb was found. "Good. Now we need to get off of this wish orb and then grant our wish."

"What is your wish, Beerus?" I asked, hoping he didn't want to do anything bad to us or anything.

Beerus looked at me. "It is really none of your buisness, Lady Katarina." He said as Whis transported us back to the big box and uncovered the missing Dragon Ball.

"Whis, you know my wish."

"Indeed,my Lord." Then Whis started to speak in a different language and summond Super Shenron.

Super Shenron was pure gold, very long, and had wings. He looked very impressive. Then Shenron spoke in a different tongue. Whis then spoke and Shenron began to glow and then the Dragon Balls scattered across the sky.

Whis turned back around and smiled cheerfully. "Next stop, Earth!" And he went back onto the top of the box and we started heading back to Earth. What did Beerus wish for? I doubt I was ever going to really know.

A few days after we came back to Earth, Bulma wanted to throw the biggest party she could to celebrate. Bulma was busy having people prepare food and make everything so the party wasn't a bust. I tied up my hair and walked out with my yellow dress with cork wedges.

"Well if it isn't Katarina with her dress and heels. You do not look like a proper warrior." Vegeta said and I stuck my tougue at him.

"You are just jealous because I'm taller than you in heels."

"I'm not jealous!"

"Whatever you say, Vegeta." And he rolled his eyes.

Bulma then comes out with a glass of wine in her hand and she looks at everyone who has made it to her party. Everyone showed up except Goku, Beerus, and Whis.

"I want to start this party now!"

"Wait, Bulma. Remember what happened last time, at your birthday?" Vegeta said as he stood next to his wife.

Bulma looked at Vegeta. She knew he was right.

"Yeah yeah, I remember. I'm not forgetful."

Krillin and Tien also agreed to wait for the three of them.

"Hopefully Buu doesn't hog all the food this time." Krillin said as he looked at the buffet that was being set up.

"Don't worry, I defiantly made sure there was enough food. It might feed a small army of Gokus." Bulma laughed and I laughed.

"Maybe an army of 10 Gokus, Bulma. My brother knows how to put away food."

"So does my son and husband." Then we both laughed and Vegeta looked at both of us in an odd expression.

"What? My brother, you, Trunks, Goten, and maybe even Gohan can still clean 20-40 plates easily." I said and he knew it. "It's your Saiyan appetite."

Bulma then looked at me. "Okay but if all of the boys eat everyone out of house and home, how come you don't eat as much as them. You have a Saiyan metabolism too."

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