A Devine Visit

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After what seemed like forever of doing these handstand/pushups with our thumbs, I felt the sweat pouring off my face. I looked around and saw Vegeta next to me in the same amount of pain and Goku the same way.

"Keep going! You are doing quite well! You are getting better in those suits. You all are becoming quite nimble." Whis said being 20 feet in the air with a tea set on a floating pedistil and himself perched on his floating staff.

"Thanks Whis... 39,997..." I said as I counted and went down at the same time as the boys. We took turns counting, each of us counting on number up each time.

"I'm going to so need a shower after this,Whis!" I yelled,he chuckled lightly as we kept training.

"Don't worry, Lady Katarina, you will be able to take a shower after your physical training. Then we may do some more of your magic training." Whis said as we kept going with this tedious exercise.

Suddenly, there was a explosion that startled us all and made us fall over.

"What the heck was that?!" Vegeta said as he laid on his back.

"I told you Saiyans not disrupt my naps!" Beerus yelled and started firing at us!

"I don't think we have time to figure out what that is. We need to run or we will be barbequed by Beerus!" I said as I tried to get up but this suit made it so hard to move. Vegeta was able to get on his feet and he helped me up. I thanked him, but it was interrupted by Vegeta pulling me in the direction of a cave.

We ran as fast as we could with these weighted suits on. It actually seemed more like we were walking. Once we got into the cave, the sounds of the blast would echo and shake the cave.

"Why does he always blame us?!" Goku asked and I covered his mouth, since he was really loud.

"It's because we are the only ones who could possibly make all that noise." I explained, then I was interrupted by Beerus' yelling.

"You Saiyans better get out here! You interrupted my nap and you are going to pay!" Beerus yelled and started blasting up a storm. Then it ceased...

We looked out from the cave and found two Beeruses? This was strange indeed, one that was fat, and another one that was skinny. The fat one had a person next to him, like a female Whis?

I was truly confused on what was going on. We walked over and joined the group of Beeruses and Whises.

"What a splendid job running from Lord Beerus' attacks with those suits on. Maybe I should do that more often..." Whis said as he joked around with me.

"You do that and you will become my least favorite person." I said and he chuckled.

"I've known you long enough that you wouldn't hold that grunge too long, Lady Katarina."

"You wanna make a bet?" Vegeta said and I silently chuckled. It was nice to have the Saiyan Prince on my side.

"Anyway we will be heading inside, Beerus and Champa are going to head inside and do their business." Whis said as we walked inside.

We were now inside, still in our suits... I needed to take this off...

"Whis, why do you have that poor girl in that heavy suit?" That female 'Whis' said as she looked me up and down.

"She was training, Vados. She is quite a student." Whis said to his female counterpart.

"So she is your student?"

"Yes, she is a Saiyan. Vados, may I introduce you to Lady Katarina."Whis said as Vados nodded to me. I bowed as best as I could in the ridiculous suit.

"Here, Katarina, let me take that off of you." And suddenly, I felt all that weight off of me. The suit was finally off.

"Thank you, Whis." I bowed to him and then I bowed to Vados. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Vados."

"Vados! Are you going to show what we brought?!" The big, fat cat said, who turned out to be Champa.

Champa is Beerus' twin bother. Then I learned that Vados is Whis' sister. No wonder they all look so similar to each other. That's actually pretty interesting seeing these siblings come together once again. I didn't know the reason, but it seemed like we would find out soon.

"Well brother, I brought you something that will wow your taste buds from my universe." Champa said as both Beerus and Champa sat at the ends of this very long table while Whis and Vados stood close to each other but also close to their Gods.

"Vados, show what we have brought."

"As you wish, Lord Champa." And suddenly a big container appeared out of thin air. Then this big container was opened and these speckled weird eggs floated, one for each person in the room.

"These are boiled eggs from my universe, the best universe!" Champa said as he started peeling his egg.

We all peeled our eggs and started eating. I wasn't really fond of eggs, mainly because of the wierd taste and texture. I wasn't really fond of these either, they tasted like a normal egg from Earth. I only ate half of this egg, which then Vegeta noticed.

"You aren't really a big egg person. Here, I'll eat the rest for you." Vegeta whispered to me as he held out his hand for a half of the egg in my hand. I smiled and handed the left over egg to him and he started eating it. 

"These just taste like normal eggs." Goku said with his mouth full.

"I'd have to agree, these don't really seem so spectacular to me." Beerus said as he sat at the table, not impressed by these eggs brought before him.

"Whis, get ready to show them our dish."

"Yes, my lord, as you wish." Whis said as a kettle, a hourglass, and bowls of instant ramen appeared out of thin air.

Whis poured hot water into each bowl and then set the hourglass to five minutes. Then once the time was up, we waited one more minute so it would be cooled enough to eat.

Then Whis distributed the bowls of ramen to everyone. Vegeta, Goku, and I were excited to eat some ramen. We got chopsticks and started chowing down. It was so nice having a bowl of ramen after a good workout.

Honestly, ramen has always been that one food no one could ever resist. Ramen just has you in this trance that just makes you want to eat ramen whenever possible. The warm broth that coats your pallet with the delicious flavor of the flavor packet and who could forget the feeling of almost neverending stream of noodles that  feels so satisfying. Then when you are finished you feel content and happy but also sad that you have no more ramen left in your bowl. You have these feelings every time you eat a big bowl of ramen, a truly wonderful creation.

Champa and Vados were quite hesitant at first but they took a taste and started loving it. Champa ate and ate until the bowl was completely empty of noodles. Then he drank all the broth and looked quite content.

Beerus smirked at his twin brother. Champa then tried to hide his happiness for the ramen dish he just enjoyed.

"What does this food come from?"

"This comes from Earth."

"Vados! Do we have a equivalent to Earth?"

Vados looked into her staff just like Whis does.

"I'm afraid not my Lord, ours is just a rock floating in space." She said and Champa gets really angry.

"But that is not fair! Beerus! I challenge you to a battle for Earth!" He said as he stood up from his chair.

"You, a tub of lard, want to challenge me? I could beat you easily." Then they both start fighting. Each of them punching each other.  Suddenly Vados and Whis cut in, each of them hitting their God on the forehead, stopping the fight.

"My Lord, you know that this could destroy both of your universes if you go on with this battle." Whis said.

"Yes, but most importantly, you could destroy all of the universes." Vados said.

"You're right, Vados. I've got a better idea. How about a tournament?"

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