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Two Weeks Later

Kihroa POV

"Okay Kiara" I said

"And if you finna be crashing you need to not step outta ya clothes and leave them on my floor Kihroa I'm not playing" she said pushing furniture around

Me and Jass had a big argument and I ended up here. I was driving round for hours just mad, then I cooled off at the barbeque joint and thn I came here.

"Kiara damn okay- okay got it thank you sis damn. Just lemme get my head right for a second and I'm off ya shit" I said hoping to coo the craziness

"Kihroa what seriously happened between y'all for you to end up here" she asked sitting down lifting her shirt to show her stomach cause I guess she was hot

"Well- man ion know to keep it a band." I started  "all I know is I was sleep and she had Alaina and she was crying. I got up and took her from Jass cause she couldn't quiet her down and then she got mad or whatever was wrong with her that ain't up to me" I continue " next thing I know she on the phone with her mom and telling her like they been oh so close saying that I pissed her off and I'm doing too.muxh and how she can't do this type shxt but I'm not doing nothing" I finished

"You took the baby and ain't say nothing" she asked me

"Yeah...and okay I see kinda why she would be mad sorta kinda cause like you took the baby and I know if Marc took Keilani from me even though she was crying I would be slightly pissed. Ion know why but I would be" she said

"Man how I supposed to know that she didn't even say that-"

"Why you still here then, go talk to her about it" she said

I got up and went to the house. Things between me and Jass just straight up complicated. We always fighting everything I do make her mad and she always tweaking on some other shxt. Then she get attitudes when shit happen.

I was on Instagram and I liked a picture of my hittas she talking bout I'm cheating. It's like she tryna find ways to end our shit.

"Jass" I yelled as I walked through the door

"In here" she yelled from the bedroom

I walked in there to see Alaina in the play pen and Jass was on the floor in the closet. "Lemme holla at you right quick while she sleep"I said to Jass

"I hear you" she responded

"Okay but I need you to listen Jass" I said

"What Kihroa I'm listening to you" she said

"Jass ion know what we got going on- but it just ain't right"   I started "ion know if like you don't want this but I know and thus just me being honest I don't... We lost that spark and trust, I'm not putting it all on you. I can say it's partly my fault. I'm all for trying to rekindle and getting thinks back to how they used to be but I'm just not feeling this." I finished

"Okay" she said turning back.to folding clothes as she was doing before

"Uhh okay that's all" I said

"Kihroa what do you want me to say- you not wrong ain't no more love here all we do is fight-"

"I said I'm willing to work on it and do whatevrr-"

"No Kihroa.. look I love you and I know you love me, anf yh baby and everything... But I don't know i can do this anymore. I don't know if this is a meant to be thing, I don't know maybe in the future it will but I just want to do this; not to me not you, not to Alaina." She said standing up coming to me

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