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Kihroa walked out of Keilani's bedroom after putting her to sleep for Kiara.
Kiara who was taking a nap in the room, being watched over by DeMarcus.
Jass was watching TV in the guest bedroom. When Kiara wakes up, the furniture shopping was still to be done.

"Aye Marc lemme holla at you" Ki said cracking Kiara's door

Ki brought Marc out to the living room. The house was so quiet, it was kinda awkward. Marc sat down at the island counter opposite of Ki.

"So uh- what really happened" Ki asked

"Umm me and Kiara and Keilani was having a good day then he showed up and shxt just went left. Dude just went crazy on her and then on me ya dig" Marc explained

Kihroa nodded at what Marc said. "aye so... Kiara told you I'm guessing" Kihroa said trailing off

"She did, she said it right before that whole thing happened" Marc chuckled

"So um you ready to clean all this up" Kihroa asked

"I'm tired all of a sudden" Marc said going back to Kiara's room

The Next Day


I woke up to old black people music playing. Let's Stay Together by Al Green was playing loudly.

I grabbed my shorts and put them on, then walked out to see:
Jass cooking, Kihroa cleaning up glass pieces and Marc playing with Keilani. I walked fully into the living room and everyone turned to look at me. "Good morning sis" Kihroa said

I waved at him, which caught Marc's attention who waved at me, then Jass did as well. I sat at island and looked at the beautiful scene of my gorgeous daughter.
"Marc wanna go with me to order my furniture" I asked

Now don't go getting any ideas, I asked him cause Keilani was going, and I figured he'd want to spend as much time with her as he possibly could.

"Yeah, just give me a second to get her dressed" he said picking her up

"No it's okay I can-"

"Girl let me do something" he said walking to the back room

Sunday we usually go to the 11 o'clock service. It's 8 something right now so I think we can manage.
After getting dressed I went into Keilani's room to see the progress, he did good. They did A ok.

"Let's come up together
Fxck ya ex nigga if I fxck you betta
Let's go to-"

"Don't play that song around her" I said

"Ahhh y'all she salty" he said

I turned to see him pointing his camera at me and then on Keilani. I chuckled a little.

"Should you be posting that" I saif

"Girl this my phone" he said to me

I walked out the living room to make the baby bag, as he put her in the carrier.
"You ready" he asked me after setting g her down

"Yeah" I said grabbing the bag
We got to the car and she was already sleep. Before pulling off I checked my gram, to see Marc tagged me in something

 Before pulling off I checked my gram, to see Marc tagged me in something

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
One Night: Another Dayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें