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Jass POV

I got up around seven, hopped in the shower and got dressed. Today Ezekiel's court case was being processed today and I wanted to attend.
I left a note on the fridge door for Kihroa, if he got back by the time I didn't.

Went down to the county courthouse and waited for the trail to begin.

Hours Later

Eventually the whole thing ended. Ezekiel was admitted to  Foster Care and would be staying in a group home until adoption. I'm gonna miss that lil dude.

Jason decided to stop by. "Girl when I tell you I am stressed... Hunty I am stressed" he said sitting on the couch

"Uhh what's going on J" I asked putting my feet up on the chair

I was feeling a little more uncomfortable than usual. I just had a doctor's appointment so I know I'm fine, it's just hard for me to be comfortable.

"Okay so... I go over to Oliver's house and he had some guy in there" he started. He then went on to give me a back story to what happened. I was listening, partly my stomach was hurting though.

"Umm J I would love to hear the rest of this but umm... I uhh... I need to call... I need call Ki-" I said reaching for my phone

"Oh my gawd girl what's wrong" he said coming over to me

"Uhh- something's wrong-
Uhh- call Kihroa please" I said standing up

When I stood up, my water had broke and a puddle formed at my feet. "Oh my Macy Grace- we gotta go gurl" Jason said grabbing my hand

"No no no- its to early it's too early to- ahhhh" I winched in pain

He led me to the elevator, and from there to the car to the hospital. I was bleeding, I wasn't giving birth but I was bleeding.


"Mannn I'm grown I do what I wanna do" I said to Nique

I was sitting in the living room of Nique and Darren's house. They had gotten into another argument, and I was just here to facilitate.
After coming back from Houston, after everything with Mimi. Everybody relationship seemed to be struggling.

"I don't even know why he brought you, I can handle myself" Nique said to me slamming pots on the table as she was taking them out.

"Okay you so grown, why don't you share with the group on this whole you cheating shit" I said

"Okay, that's none of ya business... Whatever he told you believe it if you want but I know the damn truth" she said storming off

Why the hell would this nigga leave me here with her crazy ass, was all I could think. I walked outside locking the doorknob. I called for a Lyft. Then my phone started ringing.

Phone call

Me: hello, who is this

Jason: Kihroa honey Jass is like doing this baby thing okay get ya ass to the hospital now cause like she's all wet and there's screaming and I don't like this so come here

Me: oh-

He hung up in my face. I waited for my Lyft and told the guy I was changing my destination. He drove as fast as he could to get there.
When I arrived, Jass's mom and brother was there. Jason and big mama.

I went over to hug her. I haven't seen her in so long. "ya know a phone call works both ways boy" she said bringing me in for a hug. "I missed you too big mama" I said

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