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Kiara rolled out of bed, completely exhausted. She looked at her phone which read 11:53am and almost a full screen of notifications from Instagram, Snapchat, and text messages. She groaned as she pulled her bonnet off her hair letting her straight hair fall.

She got up to check up on Keilani; she was sitting up playing with the teddy bears that sat on the opposite end of her crib.
"Good morning pretty girl" she said as she picked her up kissing her face

Keilani laughed- more like giggled. In hand, Keilani and Kiara walked to the kitchen so they could eat breakfast. "Whatcu want little girl... How bout some grits for you and an omelette and bacon for your mommy" she said as Keilani banged her cup on the tray of her high chair

"Good morning" Marc said sitting up in the arm chair

"Hey" Kiara replied

"So, what'd I do and fuxk up last night that I ended up in your couch" he said rubbing his forehead
He had a headache, but still for some reason was willing to hear Kiara's nagging.

"Umm I don't know what you drank, but whatever it was... You decided to drive with K in the car with you and you were extremely heavy under the influence- with that being said I don't want you to have her in the car with you anymore, unless you have someone else with you" she said to him.

"Kiara it was one time, one drink, it aint gon happen agai-"

"Yeah.. it was one time but in that one time, our daughter could've died had you took the wrong turn Marc"

"ight man.. i guess that's fair" he said hrowing his hands up to surrender

"thank you.. I think that's gonna be the safest way for now" she said cracking the eggs for her omelette

"Okay... Uhh did I do that to the table- again" he asked

"You did, but I'm sure you didn't mean to" she said

Marc looked down at Keilani who was now sipping out of her cup. He then looked back at Kiara. "Hey uhh if I went out with someone you not gonna feel no type of way are you" he asked Kiara

She stopped the running water and turned to him. "DeMarcus Taylor why would you ask me that" she asked

"Because I care about-"

"Please go out and date Marc, live life to the fullest please" she said smiling

Deep down inside Marc didn't want that to be her answer. If Kiara wanted him to move on so bad that's all he could do. "Why you got someone in mind" Kiara asked breaking his thought

"No I just didn't want, ya know something to happened to this dynamic we got going on" he explained

"Nope I'm chilling. But in other news I have some Tylenol in the cabinet in my room if you need it" she said turning back to the sink

For the next hour or so, they sat and chatted as if nothing even happened last night. It was weird as if Marc wanting to move on allowed him to be comfortable with each other.

Back In Atlanta

Kihroa had a meeting to go to. This business venture was for a family company that made organic potato chips. As if there aren't enough of those types of companies.

"Mr. Prince, I don't know if you want to do this- yeah that's a nice wholesome family and all the good shxt but you keep investing in these itty bitty companies and we aren't going to progress as well as we did when your dad was still here" Darren said on the phone in a conference

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