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Marc POV

I went and sat in the car till i saw homeboy leave. I got out and went back into Kiara's apartment. She was bent over at the knee's taking deep breaths;
"Kiara you okay" I asked going over to her.

Her little hands hold hella power. This girl slapped me across the face. "What the hell did you do that for" I asked holding my cheek

"Don't ever kiss me, don't ever touch me" she said pointing her finger in my face

She then came at me. We were kissing each other. She was pulling at my shirt and belt buckle. She jumped up on me and I grabbed her butt. We slowly made our way to the couch. We ripped each other's clothes off ready for each other. I laid her down and pulled my shirt off, and she took off hers.
I pulled her shorts down and did the same to my pants. I slid inside of her, felling her body react to mine. she had scratched my back with her nails and started moaning softly into my ear. 

Moments later

We  were on the bed under the covers. We had made our way to he bedroom after maybe the third round. She ended up falling asleep on me... I was hungry, so i made my way the kitchen to grab some grub. Keilani was stirring in her sleep, loud enough to where I can hear it, so i went  into the room to get her. She woke up on the way to he kitchen and was pulling at he diaper. I changed her and then brought her to the highchair so we could eat. I poured out her little puff bite things and I made myself a bowl of noodles. Kiara had her laptop open so i looked at what she had lastly loaded on the screen. She was looking  at apartments.

"Is mommy thinking about moving" i asked K

She started laughing at me then tried to hand me one of her puffs. Two Bedroom Apartments was the last thing she searched.

"What are you doing" she said standing behind me, particularity she was leaning on her left leg. "I was feeding K" I said. She rolled her eyes and walked over to me. She then slammed the laptop screen down and looked back up at me.

"Why were you going through my stuff" she asked

"Why you aint tell me you was moving" i questioned 

"Don't try to interrogate me, you're the one going through my shxt" she said

"Kiara why you aint say you was leaving just answer the damn questions" I yelled 

"No don't yell at me, what the hell is wrong with you, don't yell at me in front of her" she said going over to the fridge

"Kiara you don't think you should be talking to me about things like this-"

"No... For one of two reasons...
One. I'm grown and don't need your approval
Two. I haven't even made a decision
So you really can chill out" she said said

"Kiara i feel like this is something we need to talk about like one on one-"

"And I feel like you need to get the fuxk out of your feelings... i don't need to discuss anything with you... i haven't even made my decision yet so it's whatever"  she said turning to me 

"Well can you at least let me know what you're thinking about us-"

"Oh my god, Marc stop. Can you once not make this about this. I said it was a mistake and that's all it is and all its ever going to be. We clearly can't be together and that little stunt you just pulled, for whatever reason you felt like doing it, it wasn't in any shape, form, or fashion okay. If for any reason you thought i was magically gonna be like 'Boom we're an item' think again because it's not going to happen and I don't want it to ever happen... so just drop it" she said.

She wasn't entirely wrong, but she also was. Me and Kiara, we have something and whether she wants to admit it or not, it's true. She plays this game, because she likes it when i chase her, that's why it was so easy for her to leave Noah or to even let me be in K's life. 

Anger built up inside me, I don't know if it was because she was obviously lying or because I didn't want her to say that but- I don't know I just let out what i was thinking.

"Kiara, if you didn't want to be with me, you wouldn't have fuxked me... no more importantly you wouldn't have let what Mimi said put you in such a bad head space, driving you to fuxk me. You wouldn't have came all the way down here to get away from me, even after finding out that you was pregnant with my baby... Kiara you don't want to be with me so bad, then why do you even entertain the idea of us." I angrily questioned 

"DeMarcus, what- what the hell- I fuxked you because you have good dixk and i needed a stress relief not because i'm so madly in love with you; and what Mimi said had nothing to do with you. I came down here, because i will not be a homewrecker, not because i couldn't bare to see you with someone else (mockingly) but because i didnt want to ruin something that you obviously cared so much about, hence why i didn't tell you  until i felt you were ready and even then i still dont feel like you re ready dawg. Oh and Baby Boy please lemme know how i entertain the idea of us" she said

I was waiting for her to say that... 

"Kiara you're entire Instagram feed, is us and im not talking about me you and K im saying me and you... all of you're captions are me and bd this me and bd that-"

"Instagram don't, make a damn relationship" she interrupted 

"No let me finish. On top of that, why did you tell Olivia that the only thing keeping you from a relationship is me- answer me that" i said and waited for a response her head dropped. She took a step back and then proceeded to answer. 

"Alright Marc.. you win im not doing this" she said. She went over to pick up Keilani out of the high chair. Im going to honest I forgot keilani was even here right now. "No Kiara, lets talk about it.. since you wanna argue and shxt and you wanna make problems outta nothing" I said following behind her.

"Marc stop okay" she said in a very calm tone. 

"Why was it so easy for you to leave Noah, why was it so easy for you to even walk into my house with sex on you're mind, you knew exactly what you was doing and me being in a relationship aint seem to stop you did it- DID IT KIARA" she turned around so fast it kinda made me jump. Then, very calmly she said..

"I'm tired of being you're last resort. I'm tired of being the one you run to when you need to vent or you need to release some steam- and that's all i'm going to ever be for you. I cant be with anyone else because of you, yes i said that, but me loving you isn't the reason for that; it's because you broke me, you broke me so deep, i don't want to re-experience that pain with anyone else... And you're very wrong... it wasn't easy for me to leave Noah; it was hard because even though Noah hit me, he still didn't hurt me as bad as you did. Does that answer you're question" she asked.

She went and sat Kelani on the floor, grabbed her keys and walked out the house. I just stood there, didn't know what to say, didn't know how to feel, just stood there.

K started crying, "Hey hey hey, pretty girl why you crying" i said picking her up. she was still fussing, I went over to grab her bottle and then started feeding her. While feeding her, she started dozing off on me. I put her in her crib after she was fully asleep. 

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