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Kihroa Pov

Jass had gotten released form the hospital today. It's been three days and i finished the nursery by myself, I'm ready for my baby girl to be home, and Jass too. I sat in the living room, waiting for her and big mama to come up on the elevator. Big mama had offered a hand in anything we needed being new parents. So for the next few days she will be staying at a hotel down the street; because I didn't want her staying here. 

Text Message

me:need me 2 get a room ready 4 u now???

Sis: not rn... u nd jass enjoy 4 rn cause wen i get there im taking ova

me: yea okay where K

Sis: wit bd

me: hows he

Sis: i gotta go ttyl

me: aight sis love u

Well damn, just rush me off then. Next thing i know Jass is coming through the gate. I hopped up and walked dover to her grabbing the car seat right out her hand. "Well hi to you too" she said laughing at my eagerness.

"hey baby girl.. sorry you had to be without ya daddy for some days, but i had to get ya room ready" i said to Alaina in a baby voice.

"Okay Kihroa, we are standing right here" big Mama butted in. Okay I love her, but she already got to go. "Hey yall, can me and my kid have some alone time" i said jokingly. 

I walked off going to the nursery, that I myself completed. "This you're room, really it's a play room, cause you can sleep right next to mommy and daddy" i said to a sleeping Alaina 

"Kihroa, this looks so dope" Jass said 

"Aww, 'preciate it babe" i said. She started waking up, to eat, so Jass took a a blanket and went to sit down with her. 'So how long is it gon take her to eat" i asked. 

"However long it takes her Ki, you can't rush that baby boy" big Mama said.

"Aight well Ima put all this up" I said grabbing suitcases. 

All of sudden, people calling me asking me if they can come see the baby, and come drop off gifts and shxt. I said yeah, cause who don't want gifts. "Aye baby i got a couple people coming ove to come-"

"kihroa, I don't want a whole bunch of people in here to see this baby yet.. or me, at least not until i'm fully recovered" Jass said 

"Baby it's just a couple of friends and some people I kick it wit-" 

Ki, I'm tired, i'm in pain and i'm overwhelmingly bleeding, i do not want a shxt ton of people in this house" she said shooting me a look. 

I walked off into the kitchen, pulled out my phone. 

Phone call

Me: Aye boy where you at

Tav: im living my best life nigga how bout dat

Me: okay well get ya ass back down here for my birthday

Tav: why don't you just come down here and party in vegas nigga 

Me: i just had a baby nigga, im not going to Vegas

Tav: ight fine then, but aint nowhere for us to go in ATL we don been everywhere two times over

One Night: Another DayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon