|| 𝕆𝕝𝕕 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 || 𝔏𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯!ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 ||

Start from the beginning


You were laying in your room and trying to fall asleep. You couldn't, though, you could only think of Viserys and wonder if you are going to survive this war. You were not by Cersei's side. She was never a good sister to you and she was cruel as The Queen. But she was all you knew.
Someone knocked upon your door.
"Leave", you said irritated. It was late at night and it was very unprofessional of your servants to interrupt you at such time.
"Lady (y/n), please, let me in", someone said. You didn't recognize this voice. It could be a trap and that made your heart beat very fast.
You stood up and grabbed a small dagger as you opened your door carefully.
"Who are you?", you asked a girl standing in front of you. She was not from the palace for sure.
"I am from The Targaryen's Camp. King Viserys wants you to come with me", she confessed.
She was terrified because she knew you could tell anyone to kill her. But that was not your intention. Poor servant girl was one of the innocents.
"Come inside, I don't want anyone to see you", you let her in and closed the door, "I don't know if I should go"
"Lord Tyrion is sure you are not by your sister's side. He says you are here because you have nowhere else to go. Prince Viserys offers you a place in our camp. He wants you to join us"
The fact that Tyrion was there with The Targaryens made it better but it was still very risky to leave The Red Keep.
"I'm not sure...", you sat on the bed and sighed, "I... I don't know your King, not really. We were 7 years old when we knew each other..."
"But you do know your brother", she smiled, "Here", she handed you a necklace with a golden lion, "That belongs to you, my lady, doesn't it?", she asked.
You took the necklace and started crying. You couldn't believe your eyes - it was the necklace you gave to Viserys the last time you saw him as a child. Just before they took him and his pregnant mother away. He had to keep it with himself all this time.
"I... I'm going", you sniffed and wore the necklace. The necklace with The Lannister's Lion. The same Lannisters that had killed his family. And he still didn't get rid of the necklace. Because of you.
The servant Viserys had sent was an excellent spy. Not only she could get inside of The Red Keep unnoticed, but she also helped you to leave the city the way no one saw you. Cersei was being left all alone again. She was not going to be happy about it.
"(y/n)", Tyrion smiled at you. He was waiting for you outside the city, "I'm glad you decided to join us"
You hugged him tigthly.
"Where are we going?", you asked.
"Dragonstone. King Viserys is waiting there for us"
You sat on the horse waiting for you.
"He didn't recognize me", you said sadly, "Earlier today"
"I told him you were in Casterly Rock. I had no idea you were here"
"So he was asking about me?"
"Every day, dear sister", Tyrion chuckled, "He wanted to know everything... If you were married, had children..."
You looked down. You wanted to marry one lord actually. Cersei ordered to kill him. She didn't want you to marry and leave her side. That was also the reason why you weren't in Casterly Rock. You told Tyrion about it.
"We're going to win this war, (y/n)", Tyrion assured.
When you arrived to the shore, you saw the ship waiting for you to take you to Dragonstone.
"Is Viserys there?", you asked leaving your horse.
"Yes", Tyrion nodded.
You were scared to go inside and talk to him. You didn't know why but it was a weird feeling that made you feel dizzy. You entered the ship, though, as the servant and Tyrion took your bags inside.
"Lady Lannister", familiar voice made you freeze and you turned around to face Viserys. Oh, he was so handsome, you could see it earlier but now it was even more clear. He was standing so close to you.
Viserys hugged you and you hugged him back. He held your face in his hands and saw the necklace on your neck as he smiled widely.
"You're mine again", he whispered which surprised you. You came there to join your brother and the King he chose to support. Not to belong to Viserys who was like a stranger to you, honestly.
"I was praying for you every day...", you confessed looking up, "But I don't know you, Viserys. I don't know who you are today"
"And I don't know you", his eyes turned into ice again as he took a step back, "Why did you come here, then?"
"Because of my brother", you answered, "And... And this", you pointed at your necklace, "I don't know you, yes. But I'd like to know you better again"
He approached you again and kissed you passionately. You were shocked by this action but you kissed him back.
"Ekhem", Tyrion's voice interrupted you.


Daenerys and Viserys were looking at you and they were both angry.
"What do you mean you won't tell us about Cersei's plans?", the girl asked.
"I don't know about anything! Do you honestly think she would tell me?"
"You are her sister", Viserys pointed out.
"I thought you wanted me here because you liked me... Not to use me like this...", you started.
"We just think that you're still by her side", Daenerys crossed her arms.
"I don't know ANYTHING", you were getting angry as well, "She hates me. She blames me for our mother's death"
The room went silent as Tyrion smiled at you sadly.
"She blames me for our mother's death... Well, her mother's. I haven't met her. And she hates me so much, she even killed my fiancé", you added.
"You had a fiancé?", Viserys asked angrily.
"Old times. Doesn't matter anymore"
"You haven't told me"
"It doesn't matter, he's dead", you shrugged your arms.
"Did you love him?", Viserys approached you.
"My King...", Tyrion coughed, "It's not the right time to..."
"Any time is right if I say so", Viserys rolled his eyes.
"You've changed", you hissed and took a step back, "I don't like this new you"
"I've gone through hell", he hissed at you.
"So have I. All of us have", you looked around, "But you're the worst one around"
"Oh, I'm sorry I'm not the same young boy with a kind heart I used to be", he said mockingly.
"And I'm sorry I'm not the same silly girl in love with you. I'm sorry I wasn't loyal but guess what? How could I know that you're going to be back in my life? Anyway it doesn't matter. He's dead and I don't like who you are anymore", you told him and left the room despite him screaming at you that you are not allowed to leave.
You went to your room and shut the door loudly. You were glad you weren't in The Red Keep anymore but at the same time you didn't want to be in Dragonstone either.
"You have to obey me! I am your king!", Viserys went inside as you rolled your eyes.
"Didn't anyone teach you how to knock?! This is a lady's room"
"And I am your king!", he screamed, "What is wrong with you?! You're acting like you're blaming me for something!"
"You left me", you faced him as he made wide eyes, "Viserys, I was alone all these years... Alone. With her... She took everything I have loved from me. And you were somewhere there... I get it, it wasn't your fault. But why didn't you take me with you?"
"I was a child, it was not my decision"
"You left me here to die. I'm a Lannister, right?"
He went silent.
"My brother killed your father. Can you live with something like this?", you asked and your voice was shaking.
"My father was mad"
"And you? Are you?", you asked and he didn't answer, "Remember us playing in the castle? He was walking around, mumbling those three words... We were scared of him. Will you be like him one day?", tears started rolling down your cheeks and Viserys gently touched your face with his hands.
"We're going to play in the castle again, (y/n). But we need to win this war. Your brother killed my father, yes. And I'm going to kill your sister. Can you live with something like this?"
"My sister is cruel", you sniffed.
"But I'm glad she killed your fiancé", he whispered before pecking your lips.
"He was a good man. Charming one, very nice... Total opposite of you"
"Did you love him? Did you really love him?"
"No. I've just said that he was a total opposite of you. How could I love someone like that?", you smiled a little.
"Why are you so angry at me that I have changed, then?"
"Not at you. I am angry at myself that I don't mind you being like that. I'm angry at myself that I like you even better this way. But it's so hard to admit so I lie I hate it. In fact, I want you to win this war, Viserys. I want you to burn each one of those monsters inside the castle. I want to see my sister's head on a spike and you wearing her crown. I want you to rip The Lannister flags off the walls and see The Targaryen flags around The Red Keep again. Just like when I was a child"
"Well... I guess Westeros is going to have a Lannister Queen again so we don't have to take The Lannister flags down, my dear", Viserys smirked and kissed your forehead.

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