"You think?" He asked, didn't sure about his efforts on it and want some conforming from his friend.

Once Jhope nodded, RM felt a warming in his heart. He had messed up too many these weeks. If were asking about fed up, he was the quick one to get into it. He's tired. Nothing's good except when they are together. When they're alone, there's come the laziness on each of their side. Energizer didn't last long to be used. Its all worthless.

"But I think something missing. Don't you?" He said of what he thought in honest way.

"It was perfect. You no need to add more" his friend said, try to give RM sort of energy and lighten him up.

"But- "

"It will be out greatly when our voice were filled"

Even Jhope had said many times, he still with his stubborn for not melt with those compliment. He knew that something not good with the lyrics that he made. He thinks that Jhope just want to support him and don't want to made him feel sad. Its all a lie.

"You obviously good at everything Namjoon-ah. Even not as many its should, you been remain that Jungkook was admired you the most. The way he looks at you when you're talking through the interview and when he started to learn English to give a help on you, isn't that a proof you're good enough and inspired him until now?" Jhope took a sit after talking to made a connection between them. He throw his view at RM and all he can saw was a under stable emotion. His face was show off the upside down within his feelings and managed to keep quiet in some minutes.

"Why you always have to bring him?" RM asked, his heart tangled him while the brain began to process the small inch part of what Jhope's said.

"He's our strength"

The maknae was come out very different from the other members. There's a special with him being the youngest in the group. All maknaes have this special case but Bangtan's seem more interested.


"Let's make some rules during the Music Awards!" All the members in the room a bit flinched with the piercing tone pitch from Sonyoung voice and easily catches their attention with him.

Minggie, Damin, Jaehyo and Jungkook groaned quietly, don't want to do and thing its a worst idea.

"Come on! It gonna be awesome" Sonyoung, the leader begging them desprately while punching softly on the bed sheets for some participate.

"Fine" they all said in unison and sighed, forced to agree with the game.

Sonyoung on the other hand was happy, thought his plan was worked. "Okay. First, its for you Jungkook" he pointed out the maknae while the rest looking at the same direction.

"Why me?" His eyes a little wide along with a cute whined that didn't changed the leader's mind.

"You can't hangout, meets or talks to BTS at there" his face pretty serious, his cheered tone was gone and got changed with a straight command. The others 3 began to understand, didn't talk any as it was the right thing to Jungkook.

As right as Sonyoung told him the rules, he's sure that his position was being freeze, no movements and whining this time. He don't know what this feels, but he can't protest nor accept.

"A-and if I do?" He asked, his gaze didn't spare fully at them and just a half look. He gulped while waiting for some responds or scolds from Sonyoung.

"Where's the fun if I tell you?" He asked confidently.

"Hyung, its way too harsh" he said, his voice almost spilt into sobs and his eyes were pleading badly.

"Its not when it comes to someone's that you love"

Jungkook POV

"Its not when it comes to someone's that you love"

I love you but not as much as I love them.


"Jimin-ah, let's play overwatch. I'm bored" V asked Jimin to join him as he saw that Jimin was doing nothing and just plays with his phone.

The third youngest, respond by looking at him which not far from what he sit and sighed, "I'm not in a mood now, Tae" his face was tired. Somehow felt guilty to make his friend in that state.

"Who's gonna play with me? Hobi hyung were out with Namjoon hyung probably. Jin hyung was taking a nap and I'm sure for not to ask Suga hyung for this thing" he talked in whine and keep blabbering. He suddenly wished that Jungkook would be here to accompany him together as they are close enough to each other.

"Who's dare to pick my name?" They whip their head at the voice and welcomed with a new-morning face from Suga cause from the long sleeping.

Suga was rubbed his eyes for some better vision as he goes through the kitchen to take some drinks. After finished do what he wanna, he joined the 2 of them at the dining room quietly.

"Tae about to ask you to play with him" Jimin said carefully which V sends him a warning look and be aware with his words next time.

"Overwatch?" Suga asked normally while taking a sips from his mug and place him gently on the small coffee table in front of him.

Jimin hums tenderly. Its obvious that Suga would know which game that V prefers to play among this world.

"Let's play then" Suga said without any expression on his face and waiting for V to invite him to.

The 95-liners were completely goes shocked with the changing side that Suga shows to them.

"Y-you serious hyung? Play overwatch with me?" V asked, speechless all he can described during his falters tone.

The older frowned, "I can play games too okay" he said.

"No no. I mean- its unbelievable! You, Min Yoongi, play overwatch with me? Can I teared up?" V was very excited and happy, even felt touched with those small things that Suga gave to him.

"Teach me how to play" Suga said and V immediately dragged him into his room, along with Jimin as he also want to see how Suga's playing. It was the limited edition from this hyung, he thought.

Suga POV

"Jimin-ah, let's play overwatch. I'm bored" I'm just woke up from my peaceful sleep and the first thing I could heard was Taehyung's voice.

I can clearly heard with my two ears even I'm not fully awake yet.

I messing my hair and clean my bed as usual, laziness should be put away for a moment and inhaled the time to face my messy bed.

As I about to start cleaning, Jimin's voice filled in my room, not too loud.

"I'm not in a mood, Tae" I heard he replied.

After that, I heard another of Taehyung's voice which I stop my works and listening to their conversation.

"Who's gonna play with me? Hobi hyung were out with Namjoon hyung probably. Jin hyung was taking a nap and I'm sure for not to ask Suga hyung for this thing"

Jimin must been really tired. Its rare for him to push someone's request. He care for anyone feelings as long as he can do but once he refused, he really tired, very tired or something messed him up.

I'm so sorry for Taehyung. He must been really bored too. The way he beg for Jimin to play with him. I sighed. He used to this sort of things with Jungkook. Always asked him to play together, go out together, and spend his entire day with Jungkook if we were out of scheduled.

I'm sure he's miss Jungkook right now. No doubt. Everyone miss him. Everyone need him.

I'm not a person that good in comfort but I have my own ways. As a good hyung, I tried to made all my members happy as I can and it all happened when I ended up playing together with him.


Sorry for the boring chapter 🙏❤

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