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The 6 of them were woke up by the sun, start to rise up to the sky, to make the world bright and happy as always but not for them in this time. All of them took a warm bath before heading to the kitchen. Jin who the one that took the role as a 'mother' in the group done making breakfast. One by one come to full the sit. When they has sit, all of them automatically look through the empty chair that suppose someone to sit at and its jungkook. Jeon jungkook. The maknae of the group that always cheering or lightening up the mood, the ones that loves his hyungs and the center of love for the hyungs. The 6 of them sigh. How they miss their cute, adorable, and spoil maknae.


"You know what, I already miss his presence here" v start a conversation when he noticed the silent atmosphere that slowly fill into the house. "Me too taehyung-ah. All of us did miss him" jimin the second person who join the conversations. "Now, let's eat first and we will think about it after eating. Either good or not, its nothing~ okay?" Suga told the members wisely, didn't want to hurt their feelings. The rest nod and started having their breakfast together.


"How about that? Deal?" A man asked him as he told all the rules about the agreement that he want to do with him. "D-deal" he said suttered as he also not sire that the decision that he make was right or not but he didn't have any choices but to agree with it. "Good. Now you must sign this paper as a proof that you had agreed" the man said to him in a normal tone voice while handing a paper for him to sign it and he sign to it.



"I just not worried about jungkook" jhope state his worry to the members. "Then, who else that you have worry about?" Jin asked him while the others already look at jhope, waiting for an answer. "ARMY" jhope said the word hardly to spilt it from his mouth. "ARMY? Why?" The 5 of them said together. "You know, how we gonna tell them that jungkook gone? What will they say? Are they can accept the fact that jungkook nowhere to be seen that we didn't know the cause of this case if they ask us? What we gonna say?" Jhope said what on his mind. All the questions always keep playing. He really worried about their fans.

"If we are at the concert or what, just say that jungkook sick or have a minor injured. Don't think too much about that" suga said what he thought about jhope. "Suga hyung, you realise or not that your suggestion to-be plan was a lie? You want to lie to ARMY? How could you do that?" Jhope a bit shocked with suga word. He make an unbelievable face to him. "Suga hyung was right hyung. We don't have any way but just to lie. We also didn't want to but we have too" jimin said as he think back which one that they can follow.

"What's wrong with all of you?!" Jhope started to rise up his volume. "Then, you want to tell ARMY that jungkook gone and we didn't know where and we also didn't care about it. Like that hyung?!!" V fed up with jhope thought. He thinks that jhope was too much. "Can you guys stop!!! Can we didn't fight for this?!!! Jungkook maybe in trouble now and you guys still fight with this things??!! Please be matured!!!" RM felt frustrated about his members fight that worthlessly. The rest hang their head down. RM noticed it. "Sorry. I didn't meant to shout. Okay, look. Jhope-ah, I know you care about ARMY but we must lie to them. We didn't see any way else to face ARMY soon. I hope you understand" RM try to get his friend believe to do it together with them. "Alright. I just follow with it and I'm sorry too guys, hyungs" jhope who felt guilty about his action come up with an apologize. "Its okay" replied all of them. They didn't want this problems took or going too far. As they in a discussion to find jungkook, someone come into the house. The crack sound from the door make the 6 of them scared. All of them shocked when they saw.........



A/N : Hi my lovely readers!! Unnies!!! I miss all of you!!!😭♥ as I said, I will continue this book after the examination.. And this it!! Sorry for the late update🙏🙏 hope you like it!!♥♥♥

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