Forgeting yesterday and hang-out with your friends

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★Forgeting yesterday and hang-out with your friends★

(The next day...)

"Can she join us, please?" I have been asking Jason this question since morning!

"Yeah yeah, you have been asking me that for an hour now" he said as he raise his finger.

"I think its days" Brittney said.

"Im quite sure its hours" Jason said as he looks at Brittney.

"And I'm quite sure its been days" Brittney answered back.

Are they seriously talking about this in front of me?

"Yeah I think you're right" Jason said as he tought about it.

"Maybe even months perhaps" Jason laugh.

"Yeah just telling us about his girlfriend" oh that's enough.

"Ehem!" I said as they looked at me.

"Your saying something?" Jason asked.

"Im just saying you guys are pretty ugly" I told them as Brittney giggled.

"Yeah I know right? Jason's face is ugly" Brittney said as we both laugh.

"You're pretty lucky you got me from all the other girls who likes me" he winked at Brittney.

"Give me one?" She challenged.

"*clears throat* my point is Jack said are and guys, so its pretty much the both of us" Jason said as a matter of fact.

"Well geez Jack, that hurts" Brittney said as she faced me.

"You think" Jason and I said in unison.

And we all just laughed together.

"Hey, speaking of Rain, there she is, and I guess she has her own friends" Jason said.

Wait... What?!

When I saw Rain she was with Stephen, the leader type.

Jay Ana the flirt.
Jerden the funny.
Kelly the tomboy-ish type.
Mack and Jerden the partner-in-crime.
And others like Kin-Ken, Euston, Kent, Jarry, Ven Jobart, Zoee, Deven, Relphie, Ferguston, Wester.
The "GANG" everyone wants to be in, and that's because they say that they're "cool"... well not for me.

But you know what? I will not bother them, I don't want to be the clingy one in our relationship. So I just went back to talking with the guys.

"Isn't that too much?" Jason said in mid conversation while pointing at Rains group of friends.

I looked at them and saw Stephens hand on Rains waist...

I breathed in "You know what? Let it be, you'll never know he might be gay or something" I joked, but deep inside I'm not comfortable with him doing that.

"Yeah, I mean if you're pretty much gay you wouldn't kiss on another girls hand, I mean where are we? The 90's?" Jason said... wait what?

When I turned around... oh that mother fu(censor)

I came close to them and... *PACK*

Stephen's P.O.V:

(1 hour before Jack saw him with Rain)

I was having fun laughing because Jarry is running because he wants to be the leader of our group so he's running in front of us now and while he was running  he looked back and he put his tongue out, and when he looked in front I guess he didn't notice that there was a wall in front so he kept on running and *PACK* he hit his head in front.

"Are you ok?!" a girl shouted it's not Jay Ana and it's not Kelly, they're both in the ground laughing and Zoee is in the bathroom.

Its Rain! Oh she's so gorgeous!

"Are you hurt? I can help you not like them!" she said looking at us, looks like she's really mad!

She said it while bending on her knees while Jarry is lying in the ground and Rain is holding his head and patting it.

I wish I was in his situation even I know it hurts, but I mean c'mon! She will hold my head? Yes please!

"Hey! We care for him more than you do, we're his group! You just like him do you?!" Mack said pointing her while he is laughing, and Rain tries to stand Jarry up.

"What group?" She snapped back, damn she's good.

"You're in" I joined the conversation, it's unfair if they're the only one who's having fun.

"Excuse me?" She said as she face me.

"You're in our group" I shrugged.

"I'll pass, I wouldn't want to have some friends who'll let you get hurt and just leave you be you know" she rolled her eyes.

"Well you see umm... how to say this in a less bragging way, we are the popular group and everyone wants to join in. This is a rare opportunity that we are inviting another person rather than them begging to be in, and you'll get this offer once so it's either take it or loose it" Mack said.

"How to say this in a less bi(censor) way, no" Rain rolled her eyes at him.

"Too bad... not really" Mack laughed.

"Hold on, we're not that bad, this was honestly my mistake and don't blame them for it. I was careless so I got hurt" Jarry said holding an ice pack on his head.

"Where did you get the ice pack?" I whispered.

"Don't ask" he just whispered back.

"Fine" Rain said throwing her hand up in the air.

"NOOOOO!" Mack shouted.

"You won't regret it" Kelly winked.

"But!! We'll still see if I'll stay" Rain said.

"I'm sure you will" I said as I grabbed her hand and kissed it.


Im not done editing it yet...

Now I'm done :)

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