Chapter 11: Touma

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

School was already finished and the sun is orange red because it's almost sunset. I was just walking by beside the street when I met a familiar face holding groceries, a boy that has spiky black hair, named Touma.

He tripped 'cause of a small rock and dropped a few eggs "So unfortunate~!!!" he says while holding the broken eggs. I stopped in front of him and said "I can buy you new one's if you want" while helping him clean up the egg. He looked up to me and said "really?" While still cleaning and throwing the eggs. "Yeah" I said smiling at him and grabbed his hand while running to the grocery store. I grabbed a big cart and grabbed tons of food that can last two weeks. "Hey, aren't you buying too much (Y/N)?" He said curious "Well I'm paying but you're the one who'll be paying the cash register" I said smiling but smirking on the inside. "Hm.. Okay" he said looking at me "Good, now go!" I said while giving him 30,000 ¥ and pushing him to the cash register with the cart. "I-Isnt this a bit..much?!" He said stuttering "Oh...its fine I'm not broke" I said while doing a peace sign and he just looked at me wierdly.

After the cashier was finished with the stuff, Touma already paid the money and there was fifteen thousand yen left, he was about to give it to me but I said "You can keep it" while I'm grabbing the two plastic bag groceries. He grabbed the other two and we just kept walking towards his apartment.


Misaka's P.O.V

I was walking around the school searching for (Y/N) ; ' ) and thought that maybe she had something to do. So I went outside of school and just walked around then I saw a Gekota and it was limited edition, so I went inside then bought it. I'm so excited to let (Y/N) see this, she'll probably understand unlike Kuroko. I rolled my eyes and sighed at the memories she kept calling me childish, and even my pajamas are being called 'childish' by her. As I sighed, I walked around the park, kicked the vending machine that ate or stole my 10,000 ¥, grabbed the drink that fell from it, then sat on a bench.

I saw Saten passing by, so I called out to her, she turned towards my way then said "Hey Misaka, what's up?" While waving her hands "Nothing much, except now we have a new roommate" I said while shrugging and smiling while looking at her. "What?!?!?! You and Kuroko have a new roommate?!?!?! When did this happen?!?!?! What does she look like?!?! Is she tall?!?! What's her power?!?!?!" She shouts, stopping because she ran out of breath. Classical Saten, always curious "hm.. Yes, we have a new roommate. It happened a couple of weeks ago. She looks great. Yeah, shes kinda tall. And her power is very rare and unique since its like she holds tons of power" I said answering all the question. "What's the name of her power?" Saten asked "Elemental, its a unique power that can control the elements nearby. In other words, she's invincible" I said answering the last question. "Wow...that must be cool....I wanna meet her" she said with her voice so excited. "Oh yeah, what's her name?" She asked wondering. "Her name's (Y/N) she's nice" I said thinking this is the last answer. And it was she had no more questions.

As I was about to go back to the dorm I saw (Y/N) with Touma laughing and talking while holding grocery bags.


Yo guys so I published this chapter this week 'cause I'm busy next week. Also got what I did there? (^・^) no? (•ө•) well.... I'm making it look like a show but instead of 'episode' I made it 'chapter'. Did you really not get it? Um its fine I'm forever lonely...

Well bye bye (ㆁωㆁ*)

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