53; the solemn certainty

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the solemn certainty


Arthur looked sideways to his brother with his face stoic but attentive. Although they called it a truce, they were both still figuring their way around each other so it wasn't like he would be all laughs and playful elbow-nudges straight off.

After they'd just basically revealed to their bewildered audience, Killian, that they were, in fact, brothers–the man didn't even give any reaction of outward surprise whatsoever. He just laid a small smirk bare across his face before excusing himself off, forgetting about his initial agenda altogether.

Now they were left alone in Archer's office with steaming mug of coffees before them on the table. They were seated smack-dab in the middle of the room, which had a large glass panel for the other side of the walling that left almost nothing to the imagination.

The skies were already dark, and as Arthur stare out ahead at the glimmering skyline, everything seemed so right again. And much clearer. "How can you say so when you haven't even known me before?"

"Well," he'd shrugged when Arthur glanced at him, "I just know. I could see it in her eyes."

That kept his thoughts somewhat dulled so that he couldn't get a word out. A reply seemed unnecessary and so he kept it that way for a couple of moments.

He tried to recall her face inside his head. But no matter how hard he tried, his recollection had barely grasp the last bit of the last time he saw her. All he could think of was her golden waves and pale green eyes with gray flecks on them. But those two also seemed to fade now that he started to question the reality of it.

"Where's she buried?" he couldn't help but ask, a bone ticking in his jaw. In his periphery, Archer had snapped his head to his direction.

"At Conehill Memorial Park," said Archer, picking up his coffee. "She'd be happy to see you there."

He quirked up his lips, nodding slightly. "What will you do with Killian? Now that he knows."

Archer frowned as though he was speaking gibberish. "Nothing...?" He let out a half-chuckle. "You know, it never crossed my mind to be ashamed of introducing you to the world. I was worried about how you'd take it. I know you've been through so much so I had to hold it off. Although I was very bad at handling the situation. I feel like I'm the worst brother in the world."

Arthur chuckled lamely, shaking his head. "No, you're doing fine. It was me who couldn't leave his pride out of the door. Sorry, man, for being such an asshole."

His brother sloppily waved him off. "It's okay. I've had my fair share of mistakes. I mean, I made you my personal driver, for god's sake."

"I get to drive your cars, though," Arthur mused with a smirk. "You gave us shelter, you taught me how to groom and stuff, you sent me to college which I taught would only be a dream to me before you came in."

"Yeah." Archer shook his head rather ruefully, jolting his eyebrows. "But I kept you from the truth."

"It's all in the past now, Arch."

"Does Paige know? Have you ever told her about it?"

"No," he said before sighing, tipping down his head at his cup which rather had his reflection on it–a match to his suddenly dampened mood. "I can't."

"She's quite special, isn't she?" Archer asked conversationally, and Arthur nodded after the slightest hesitation. "Aoife was keeping me in the loop about you when you and Paige were still together. Thought you're the team so I was kinda' surprised that you guys suddenly called it off. Couldn't work?"

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