45; the envelopes

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music box tune:
britney spears



the envelopes

THE DAY WHEN Paige got back to work on Wednesday, she was reassigned to the admin department and was working closely with the operations. Her duties were concentrated more on the organizational aspects rather than the external ones which involved in dealing with the guests and the marketing itself.

She was pleasantly surprised when Denise had showed her an office of her own so she could work with privacy and in peace, to which she'd hugely appreciated. Albeit she liked Maggie and Duke's company in the short time they'd worked together. But social media marketing was a smaller role than being in the admin, the department Isolde was more inclined for her to train in since it was her stepping stone to the managerial position.

For the next couple of days, though, her only given tasks were to check the emails and answer queries both from the company's employees and the people outside out it, organizing the filing system for confidential documents, employment contracts and benefit forms, and peruse new sets of résumés from aspiring job seekers.

After that, she'd be handling supplies stock and order placing, and also with making regular reports regarding the company's expenses and budgets among many other bigger tasks within the division.

She frowned at her desktop as soon as a little box asked her for a password when she tried to click a folder open. In there was the records of all the employees and she couldn't get past to it, after a few attempts. Denise had probably forgotten to give her the access in order for her to get through it.

"Never mind," she murmured to herself, after taking a mental note to ask her about it later.

She riveted her attention on the applications sent in through the company's employment portal when her cellphone lit up. It was Cain, asking about how she was currently doing. As she sent a positive response, she bit her lip contemplatively.

She buttoned the intercom to connect with Denise. As soon as she answered, she said, "Hi, Ms Denise. Would it be okay if I would go on a break for two hours? There's someone very important that I have to see today."

"Of course, Paige. We'll take care of Isolde."

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome," she said in amusement before the conversation ended with a soft click.

Paige tucked her swivel chair under her desk and hang her long white coat around her before hitching her bag over her shoulder. When she was outside the headquarters, she paused and thought of Robby.

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