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"Where did, uh, where did Patton and Logan go?" Virgil asked quietly.

"To make popcorn, of course. That means you and I get to pick movies." Roman exclaimed.

Virgil nodded and joined Roman at the shelf he was kneeling in front of.

"What about Mary Poppins?" Roman asked.

Virgil hummed, "Bambi."

Roman looked to Virgil and nodded, "a man of culture, I see."

Virgil struggled to stifle a laugh, and Roman grinned. They took the two movies from the shelf and Roman called to Patton and Logan.

The two boys came shuffling into the room with four large bowls of popcorn.

Roman played the first movie, they had decided to play Bambi first after debating about how long the movies were.

The four boys got comfortable, lounging close together on the remarkably large sofa.

/ - \

Virgil woke up slowly, to the sound of giggling.

"Wha, what? What's happening?" He murmured.

"Great job, Roman, you woke him up!" Virgil recognized Patton's voice.

As Virgil opened his eyes he found the two boys, Roman and Patton, staring at him contently. He felt his hand being squeezed and looked over to see that he had been holding onto Logan's hand.

"You guys were totally cuddling earlier." Roman shook with laughter, wiping tears from his eyes.

Logan stirred, most likely because of Roman's thunderous laughter.

"Roman shut up, you're going to wake him!" Virgil whisper-yelled.

"Ugh, whatever. You can take him to my room I guess." Roman offered.

"Yeah, and then they could sleep together!" Patton, not realizing how unwholesome what he had said was, whisper-yelled.

Virgil flushed red under and Roman shook his head violently.

"Patton that does not mean what you think it means, but I assure you they will not 'sleep together' in my room, or, in fact, anywhere else in this house." Roman tried to keep a straight face, but failed miserably, bursting into laughter once again.

"Just, uh, which way is your room, Roman?" Virgil asked quietly, his face still a rather bright shade of red.

"Here, come here. I'll lead you there. There's no way you'd be able to get there on your own without getting lost." Roman giggled.

"Would he be, would he be ok if I picked him up and carried him, or, uh, should I wake him up?" Virgil asked, gesturing to Logan.

"I'd say carry him. He's rather light, and he's a heavy sleeper." Patton interjected.

"Alright, I guess." Virgil shrugged as he disconnected their hands and picked the sleeping boy up.

    Patton had been correct when he had said that Logan was light. Virgil, however, did not think about his strength in relation to others'. He had nearly dropped the sleeping boy after picking him up, but that wouldn't stop him, he was afraid that either of the other two would wake Logan up, so he decided to struggle through it.

    "Which, ugh, which way, hng, which way is the room?" Virgil asked between 'quiet' grunts.

"Oh, just this way." Roman smiled brightly, leading the way down a hallway.

Once the boy's reached the end of the hallway, Roman opened a door. The room was painted red. Posters for musicals, plays, Disney movies, and band albums were tacked the walls. A few sketches and Polaroids, which were most likely taped, hung near the posters. The window was large and the gold fabric curtains, which hung all the way to the floor, were open. A large wooden desk sat on the right side of the window, and on the left, a tall wooden dresser. A king sized bed stood centered to the middle of a wall, on top, a gold comforter, red fleece blankets, and white pillows gracefully littered the bed.

Roman's room was the definition of casual chaos. It was clean, but messy. Nice, but random.

"You can just put him down on the bed," Roman smiled at Virgil.

"Oh, uh, okay." Virgil murmured. He thought the brightly colored room was nearly blinding.

Virgil set Logan on the bed and Roman closed the blinds and curtains of the window.

"Get some rest, you look really tired." Roman smiled warmly at Virgil, gesturing to the empty side of the bed.

Virgil nodded and climbed into the bed next to Logan and fell asleep.

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