Chapter 3 - Kim Taehyung

Start from the beginning

Chuckling lightly, I wave at the little boy and head out of the ICU, now returning to a simple doctor pacing down the hallway to find that powerful and familiar source of vitality. Is this seriously happening right now?

I wonder what's with that human. Suddenly, it hits me. "The dean's office," I mumble to myself before I start sprinting towards it, determined to find out who is actually in that room with Dr Trace or whatever his name is, I can't bother remembering it.

Maybe I can get rid of that human as soon as I enter the office, do it quickly and painlessly. I'll finally be able to stop this from ever happening again. Closing my eyes and nodding lightly, I continue down the hallway, heading straight to the dean's office.

The moment of truth, let's do this. Let's finally end this neverending cycle.

Grabbing the handle, I swing the door open and barge into the office, almost taking the door down. The dean glances at me curiously, clearly not shaken by my actions since he's used to them, but my focus is completely on the woman sitting in front of his desk.

She sighs and shakes her head in disapproval before she turns around to face me. When our eyes meet, she freezes instantly, every muscle in her body tensing up.

That's what I like to see, one of my favourite human emotions. Fear. She's absolutely terrified of me and hell, it feels spectacular.

She's foreign, that's for sure. Her skin is healthy and has a little glow to it, her hair cascading around her dainty neck as it's being gently touched by the sunlight entering through the office windows.

She looks stunningly ethereal in that simple clothing, not taking her large magnetic eyes away from me.

It looks like she's aware that I'm not like the rest of the people residing in this hospital. I was right, she does harbour some type of ability. The real challenge now is to find out exactly which one.

"Dr Kim, can I help you with anything?" The dean asks, resting his head on his hand and watching me indifferently. I hum and click my tongue dismissively, my glare fixated on the woman.

Is she trying to read my mind right now? So this is what I'm working with. "How rude," I say, tilting my head to the side and lifting my eyebrow as I brush a couple of strands of my hair away from my forehead.

"The only one being rude right now is you," The woman scoffs, leaning her back against the chair, unnoticeably trying to get as far away from me as she possibly can, causing a smirk to appear on my face. Oh, she's got some guts.

Not for long though.

"You know, Dr Kim, I was just thinking about how I could introduce you to Dr Maciel and all of a sudden there you are, appearing in my office as if you could hear my thoughts! Such a funny coincidence, might I add." The dean chuckles, getting a simple fake smile from me.

"Right," I scowl, watching as the girl gets up from her chair and heads towards me, trying to calm herself down before she reaches out her hand to greet me.

"Hello doctor, I'm doctor Ariadne Maciel. It's nice to meet you. Please take care of me." Her fingers are visibly trembling and her voice is barely audible, but she's holding out well.

I take her delicate hand in my own, squeezing lightly and looking straight into her eyes. "Hello, young lady, my name is doctor Kim Taehyung. The pleasure is all mine."

My hand is dwarfing hers in size, the feeling of her skin on mine causing a familiar tingling feeling to pass through my whole body. She's definitely something different, I wonder in what way I should make her die.

A heart attack maybe? No, she's too healthy for that, she'll survive it, I need to figure out something more fitting. This isn't a scheduled death so I need to think thoroughly before I take her down for good.

It's very rare for me to be able to make someone die so this needs to be perfect. The plan of getting rid of her this instant is now erased from my mind.

"Now that you met each other and you are here Dr Kim, could you show her around? You've just finished operating on that little girl with hepatoblastoma, maybe you and Dr Maciel can check on her when Dr Maciel changes her attire and places everything in her locker."

The dean smiles at the two of us, causing Ariadne to yank her hand away from my grasp and take a look at the dean, nodding in agreement.

"For how long will you be staying here, doctor?" A small smile lingers in the corner of my lips as I wait for her answer patiently.

"About nine months," She responds shortly, facing the dean completely and bowing to him. "We'll get going then, Dr Park. We know you have a lot of things to take care of. I'll be waiting outside."

Before he can respond, she takes her bag from the chair and walks out of the office, leaving me with the dean. Dr Park, right? "Take care of her for me, she's a nice girl." Dr Park lifts his eyebrows at me pleadingly, causing a hum to escape my throat.

"Right. Why don't you just shut the fuck up before I snap your head off? It's already too much for me having to deal with that lunatic Dr Ko, I don't need to babysit anyone else," I snarl at him, making him widen his eyes in shock and pull away from his desk with a terrified expression.

As soon as he starts moving away, he stops his actions and nods at me before he continues with his usual work, completely ignoring my existence.

"Now that's more like it. I don't think I'll ever get used to people's easily controlled minds." With a light chuckle, I head out of the office.

"Dr Kim, Dr Kim! Oh, thank god I'd found you!" The screaming grows louder by the moment as Dr Ko wildly runs down the hallway towards me, flapping her hands around like an albatross chick.

"Jesus Christ, will I ever get a break from this woman? Pagers exist in this universe, isn't she aware of them?" I let out a quiet sigh and glance at Ariadne who's patiently waiting for me outside the office, smiling lightly at me.

I smile back at her, immediately frowning afterwards. Okay, I seriously need to focus, I need to kill this woman, not get her to like me. Maybe I can try something when we get to the offices.

That sounds like a decent plan. Yup, let's try and do that.

"We have an emergency, Dr Kim! You need to operate immediately, the child was in a car crash!" Dr Ko screams in my face, grabbing onto my shirt and taking a peek down it every now and then.

"Is the kid in the ER?" She nods rapidly at my question before I carelessly push her away from me. "Take Dr Maciel to the office and get her the proper attire," I snap at Dr Ko as she dozes off while looking at my forearms, making her nod again before I face Ariadne.

"You'll operate and I'll assist you, is that clear?" Without waiting for an answer, I swat away Dr Ko's hand which was stroking my bicep and head to the ER.


God, this took me so long to figure out! I hope you like it, it's not easy trying to put yourself in the shoes of a deadly being. Please don't be shy, I appreciate every opinion and vote you leave for me!

Lots of love, Dorami


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