
199 20 7

Just noticed this in my feed, but ya know how you can see when people vote for something in the far left tab of your Notification Center?

Well, when you vote for something, it shows the title of the book and the author.

I just saw one notification where the author voted for their own book.

^^This is not cool.

It is sad really.

Voting for your own works...

Are you that desperate for votes that you vote for your own stuff? Seriously?

Wattpad is a place for others to love and support you.

Oh, and this person who's done it? They have about 100x the followers I do.

All their books have 10k reads or more.

Votes over 1k, some even over 50k.

So why do you vote on your own books bruh?

You're already super successful.

Or is it some type of ego boost, huh?

If so, that's pathetic af.

Earn your votes from avid readers. 

Stop trying to boost your own votes by voting for your own books.

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