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I'm sorry for not updating in a while. Life's been busy and I've also been suffering through migraines again.

Now, I know many of you will take this the wrong way by the title. I'm not complaining about story deaths or books about suicide.

I'm here to talk about the people who fake their deaths here on Wattpad.

Are people that desperate for attention from others that they fake their own death?

Well... Considering it happens a lot, I guess so.

I've been in those dark moments that people go through with depression, I know how painful it can be and how ending your life seems like the only way out and to stop the pain.

But what I can't stand is people who think they can "commit suicide" here on Wattpad.

Suicide is a serious thing and should not be taken lightly. Don't pretend to be your brother or some other family member accessing your account and saying you're dead. Don't pretend to be them either to say you're in the hospital recovering from an attempt either.

It's people like you that make things like depression and suicide seem like a joke.

It isn't at all.

Do you want people to go "oh, is she actually dead or doing this to gain more readers/votes/followers"? Because that's what most people do when someone fakes their death on here.

And you know, there's actual people on here who legit killed themselves.

People don't know about them, and if they do, they probably think it's an attempt at what others have tried to get more gain on here.

It's sad. Pathetic.

They don't get recognized for what actually happened due to the fakers on here.

Just what's going on?

We shouldn't be like this on Wattpad.

So listen up,

Don't fake a death. You're just making yourself look like an ass. You're making actual deaths seem like they actually aren't real.

Be a good Wattpadian and don't fake a death.

Be someone who's nice, friendly, and outgoing. That's how you make friends and gain people who support your works. Not through a fake death.

I think I'm done here.

Please, just take a moment and look over this... See what the internet is becoming just for stupid fame.

Rants: The Things That Piss Me Off On WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now