The Reverend

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The war had ended, no more fighting, Germany had lost and the allies had won, but at a cost.

We were all informed that Matthew, the war engine. Perished in combat, whilst stopping a Nazi train full of armaments get to Paris.

We were all in mourning. Molly and I especially. But we had to continue on, work as usual, I was still needed at the base to ease things a bit, but soon only went there when needed. I was pretty much back with the North Western again, and nothing eventful happened.

Until a few weeks later.

Thomas came into the yard to see Edward, Henry and Gordon all talking to each other.

"What is this?" asked the tank engine, "Is Gordon and Henry asking you Edward to learn how to shunt in secrecy?"

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny Thomas," wheeshed Henry sarcastically, "Why don't you just puff along and get some fish into your tanks."

Thomas' cheeks when as bright as the red lining on each engine there. "Why don't you sneeze little boys ok bridges again," he said, "You know how the parents' reacted and it went into court to the railway."

Henry growled. "Why don't-"

"That's enough!" yelled Edward.

"We are talking about this book," said Gordon, after a moment of silence.

"A book?" said Thomas puzzled.

"A book called 'The Three Railway Engines'," added Henry.

"It's about us in four stories," said Edward, "One where I was stuck in some sheds and let out and had to wait for a guard to arrive who was late. Then you remember when I had to push Gordon up his hill."

"It isn't my hill," grumbled Gordon.

"Anyways," ignored Edward, "He also written that down in a second story. The third story was about Henry when he got stuck in his tunnel and when The Fat Controller bricked him up. The fourth was about how he was let out again."

"Like Gordon, not my tunnel."

"Then why are they called Gordon's hill and Henry's tunnel?" quizzes Thomas cheekily.

Gordon and Henry grumbled with each other.

"A reverend came in 1941," continued Edward, "He asked us three many questions about are railway and how we run it and what has happened in the past. He told his son about the first three stories, and in the end the fourth story came too when being published in May. It has become very popular with children."

"So, only you three are in it?" asked Thomas.

"Yes we are," replied Gordon, "Eagle made an appearance in a picture too. As well as Alfred and Simon, silly decision if you ask me to put them in there."

Thomas' brow crinkled. He couldn't stop thinking about it all day. Percy and I found out too and I wasn't too please that the other three had all the attention. I'm not going to lie, I was complaint a lot a that time, and a lot of it had to be listened by Percy.

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