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British Railways, was formed only a couple of months ago when this event took place. Most engines from previous railways were repainted and given a worthy checkover to see if their were any damages or should be given modifications to their designs. Only a few engine didn't get these.

One of them, was Molly.

The strong engine wasn't doing well. She needed an overhaul fast, her parts were worn and she wasn't at her best with strength. One day she was collecting twenty coal wagons from Brendam and taking it back to the fort at Vicarstown.

The sun shone, birds sang. The trucks for groaned and moaned at Molly. "Shut it back there!" she yelled and gave them a sharp bump.

"Oh oh oh oh!" screamed the trucks in there silly way.

Molly had past Suddery and was going to past some cows grazing in a field nearby. But the cows had been placed there this morning, and weren't use to trains since they use to graze in the north.

Molly rattled by with the yelling trucks. With a shriek of her whistle, the cows' heads bolted up. They all ran towards Molly and rammed into the fence breaking it and smack into the trucks.

A coupling broke, and the last seven trucks left the rails and went a few yards before coming to a halt.

Molly felt the jerk, but she didn't care, she was use to trucks.

"Bother those stupid things," she growled to herself, "Why can't they come quietly?"

She continued on to Wellsworth, where Edward was there with a passenger train. Edward raised a confused eyebrow, when Molly came in and stopped on the second platform next to Edward.

"Molly," he started, "Where is your break van?"

"Break van," said Molly, "It's on the back of my train isn't it? I've checked before I left Brendam."

"Then why isn't it there then?"

Molly's driver looked back and gasp. "So it isn't, and some of your trucks aren't there either!"

Molly was shocked too. Eventually, the stationmaster got a call from a signalman further up the line and explained the hole situation to them.

"Are the cows alright?" asked Molly.

"Most of them are," replied the stationmaster, "But three are injured and ones dead."

Molly sighed. "And I thought the day was going to go well," she said to herself.

News soon spread down the line about Molly's misfortune. Emily found out to at Vicarstown with Reginald and they found it a great joke.

"Molly, getting stopped by a cow!" cried Emily, "What a joke!"

"They won't dare do that to any of us!" sneered Reginald, "I'll show them!"

Gordon and Henry, who were nearby, were cross at their remarks.

"Don't you dare say that about Molly," said Gordon crossly, "She's going through a lot today. Don't make things worst."

"What? They're just cows!" smiled Emily.

"That are breathing Emily!" exclaimed Henry, "I bet if it was another engine like Eagle or Thomas you wouldn't be laughing!"

"Pah!" snorted Emily.

"Can't you two take jokes?" jeered Reginald, "Gordon? You can!"

"I only make them when no living creature is hurt," said Gordon sternly, "But when there is and you two are making fun of it... it's just... disgraceful!"

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