mitch marner

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credit to: not-another-imagine-blog on tumblr
You and Mitch had been friends for a while, but you had only become good friends a few months ago. Now, it almost seemed like, wherever one was, the other was close behind. You were always going on impromptu adventures with him, he was always sending you funny videos from practice; if you weren't together, you were sure to be talking with him on the phone. You and Mitch had such a good thing going, in fact, that you often had to ignore the raging crush you had on him.
You weren't sure when you had developed feelings for your best friend, but you were sure that, once you had discovered that you liked him, you fell hard. Sure, it was difficult not blushing every time he grabbed your hand, or whenever he paid for something, much to your chagrin, but you managed. For one, you didn't even think that he liked you back and, for another, you couldn't ruin your friendship.
You had heard all the horror stories of best friends who dated, found out they were better as friends, broke up and then discovered that things just weren't the way they were before they had started dating. You couldn't bear the thought of Mitch not being in your life in some capacity, so you just decided to not deal with all of the very non-platonic feelings bubbling at the surface.
Today, Mitch had dragged you out to go walk around downtown Toronto with him and Auston, his other best friend. You really weren't in the mood to go out, but Mitch had insisted, saying that he wanted to hang out before the team left for a couple of games. He also said that you need to get out of the house, since you were 'recovering' from the flu. You knew he was right, but that still didn't mean that you were going to admit it.
Even though you were forced to be outside, you did have to admit that it was a gorgeous day to be out. You had been cooped up in the house for almost a week with the flu, so it was nice to get some fresh air in your lungs. Mitch, being his regular touchy self, hadn't let go of your hand the whole time you had been walking. As Auston stops to watch a street performer, Mitch looks at you and smiles.
"Thanks for coming out with us today. People seem to leave us alone more often if you're here." You laugh at Mitch.
"So really, I'm not actually your friend, you just use me so that people will leave you alone?" You tease. Mitch flushes as he rubs the back of his neck.
"Damn, you figured me out. All of these months of friendship and building a relationship with you, just to use you as a buffer." You and Mitch chuckle when, suddenly, the smile falls off of your face.
"Shit." You mutter under your breath, turning away. Mitch looks at you, confused, before trying to find what caused your mood to go south so suddenly.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"That's my ex-boyfriend." You whisper. Mitch nods, understanding the situation now. Although Mitch had never met your ex-boyfriend, you often regaled him with all of the crazy stories about him. You had broken up with him because, as you explained, you just didn't see it working out with him. What you actually meant, though, was that he was creepy. He would constantly call or text you, demanding to know where you were at all times. The breaking point, though, came when you found out he had put a tracking device on your phone. You had broken up with him the next day.
He still tried to contact you through social media, even after you blocked him on everything. He would text you from throwaway phones, or DM you on fake accounts. Needless to say, you were very careful with who you let follow you, and Mitch was very aware of how much you hated this guy.
He didn't look like he had followed you here. In fact, he's walking around with his parents, two very nice people. When he saw you with Mitch and Auston, though, his face lit up. You watch in horror as he walks towards you, a smile on his face.
"Well, kiss me so he sees!" Mitch says frantically. You look up at Mitch, unsure.
"Mitch, I couldn't do th-" You're cut off by Mitch forcing his lips onto yours, sliding his arms around you and pulling you close. You allow your eyes to close as you tangle your fingers in his hair, letting yourself get carried away by the situation. At least, you think Mitch is just trying to help you out; that is, until he starts biting your lip, begging for access to your mouth. You open your mouth in shock as Mitch slides his tongue in, full-on making out with you. You whimper lightly as Mitch smirks. You hear Auston turn around and let out a loud laugh at the sight. Finally, you pull away for breath, resting your forehead against Mitch's.
"Thank God, I was worried he was never going to tell you he liked you! That's one way to do it, Marns!" Auston claps Mitch on the back as you stare at each other, shocked.
"Wait, what?" Mitch goes bright red, glaring at Auston.
"I-I mean, uh, at least he's gone?" Mitch stutters. You look and, sure enough, your ex is nowhere to be seen. You grin at Mitch.
"You totally just wanted to kiss me!" You accuse. Mitch smirks at you.
"Well you certainly didn't seem to mind." You can't stop the smile that's on your face as Mitch intertwines his fingers with yours.
"Would it be so bad if I didn't mind?" You ask. Mitch shakes his head.
"I don't think that would be so bad." You and Mitch start walking as Auston groans behind you.
"Damn it, now I'm the third wheel!"

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