Alex Nylander

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At the end of Alex's first rookie season in the NHL, he invited you back to Sweden with him to spend the summer with his family.
Even though you had only being dating for a few months, you were thrilled with the prospect of travelling to a new country, and getting to meet all of Alex's extended family, and couldn't wait to go.
As soon as you had arrived, you were welcomed with open arms into the family and were smothered in hugs by his mother and sisters.
Coming from a small family, you'd never experienced growing up with siblings, and so it was a slight adjustment getting used to being surrounded by this many people.
Ofcourse, the Nylander family made you feel at ease and comfortable immediately, and you couldn't wait for what the rest of the summer had to offer.
Watching Alex interact with his younger sisters put a smile on your face, as you saw how much he loved and cared for them. He was currently sitting on the floor talking to them about school, and you could tell how proud he was as they listed their achievements from the past academical year.
As you watched Alex, the hair on the neck of your neck stood up, and you looked around to see what had caused the reaction.
William stood at the door to your left, with a smirk on his face, as he looked at you.
He winked before turning and walking back out that same door, leaving you confused.
Your confusion didn't clear through dinner, as everytime you looked in William's direction, he was already staring back at you.
Why was he staring at you? Did you have something on your face or something?
You felt a hand on your thigh, and turned to look at your boyfriend, who was sat next to you at the table.
"Y/N?" Alex asked, drawing your attention.
"My mom just asked you a question."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I must have been focused on something else, I didn't hear." You replied, flushing at the though of ignoring Alex's mom.
Confusion etched it's way across Alex's face as you replied, and it was clear he didn't believe you, but dropped it for the sake of continuing dinner.
Later on that night you sat outside, watching the sunset, with Alex and William.
The rest of the family had already gone inside, giving the three of you some peace and quiet.
You sat sidewards across Alex's lap, curled into him, to fight off the cold air.
Alex stood up a few minutes later, after telling you he was going to get some drinks, and you reluctantly let him go, but pouted as he walked back inside, which earned a laugh from the younger Nylander brother.
"You know, you could come sit with me, I'll keep you warm." William told you, with a straight face, and you whipped your head round, shocked by his words.
"Excuse me?!" You spluttered out.
"Just saying, you'd be better off with me, I wouldn't leave you, ever, and I bet I'm more comfy as well. I'll make sure you don't go cold, baby girl." He added, with a wink.
"William, stop it. It's not funny."
You were furious at what he was insinuating, just because his brother wasn't here currently.
"I'm sorry, what? I keep getting lost in your eyes."
"William I swear..." You started, but at that moment Alex walked back out, bringing you a drink.
He sat back down in the seat, and you immediately jumped in his lap.
"Woah, hey, miss me or something?" He asked with a laugh, oblivious to what had just happened between you and William.
"Mm yeah." You replied, reaching up and pulling him into a deep kiss.
You weren't a big fan of PDA but you wanted to show William that you were more than happy with Alex and that you wanted him to stop his flirtatious ways. His jokes were too far, and not welcome. If we was trying to be funny, it certainly wasn't making you laugh.
"I'm gonna head inside, night." William muttered quickly, and took off, back into the house.
"That was weird, usually we can't get him back inside." Alex told you, as he watched him walk back inside.
"Yeah, weird..." You replied, hoping your voice sounded normal.
Ofcourse, Alex picked up on something being off, and immediately asked what had happened when he was gone.
"He's been... staring at me, all day, and when you left he made some comments that I didn't like." You whispered, hoping that Alex didn't quite pick up what you had said.
"What did he say?" Alex asked in a raised volume, obviously understanding you just fine, and not being pleased with what you had just told him.
"Just that, I'd be better off with him; he'd keep me warm when you were gone, stupid things like that."
You noticed the rage in his eyes immediately, as he attempted to stand up, but you reminded in his lap, trying to defuse the situation.
"Alex, you have to calm down, he's probably just kidding. I'm sure he didn't mean those things. You don't need to get jealous or anything. I'm sure it's nothing."
"I'm not jealous."
"Well judging by the look on your face, you seem a little..."
"I'm not jealous, because I know he meant all those words he said." He spat out.
You flinched at his words.
This was a side of Alex you had never seen before, and you were a little frightened of it, if you were being completely honest.
"What do you mean?"
"He's stolen my girlfriends in the past, he just doesn't like me having something for myself. He gets jealous and wants it for himself."
You were disgusted by what you had just been told, and realised that William hadn't been joking after all.
"Hey, look at me," you told him, grabbing his face between your hand and turning him, so you could look into his eyes as you spoke, "I don't care what happened in the past. I'm not those girls, and I'm not going to go running into his arms because of a few comments or stares. I love you, okay."
You watched his eyes grow comically big, "You've never said that before, I didn't know we were at that stage yet."
"Well yeah, neither did I, but this night has made me realise that you're the only person I want to be with, no matter what, because you're the one I love."
He let out a shakey exhale, and pressed his forehead to yours.
"I love you, too, Y/N, so much. I won't let him take you away from me."
"You don't have to worry about that."

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