Zach Werenski

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Credit to imagines-NHL on Tumblr💕
i had just watched my boyfriend of six months zach werenski play one of the many hockey games that he plays. but this one was special, colombus clinched a playoff spot.
"meet at 9:00?" i could hear zach talking to nick foligno. "okay perfect we'll see you there" zach waved bye to the guys and walked to the car.
i carried his sticks like i usually do back to the car. "your okay with going out tonight right?" he asked looked over at me while we were walking.
"yeah for sure! you guys just clinched why wouldnt i want to go out?" i smiled at and jumped over zach giving him a big kiss on the cheek.
he flashed me a small smile as we neared closer to the car and got in. "they said be there for 9:00" he looked over at me before starting the car, "you think you can be ready in half hour?" his eyes were still on me waiting for my answer.
"challenge accepted" i laughed finally looking into zachs green eyes. he started the car and drove off music playing in the background us talking about the game and before i knew it we were home.
"thirty minutes on the clock y/n challenge begins" he laughed and raced me up the stairs. i did almost fall bur so did he which made us fall into a fit of laughter.
"zach is it fancy?" i yelled while rummaging through the closet. i heard the shower start then he yelled back, "its fancy babe."
i pulled out a white two piece dress, i quickly slipped it on and ran to the bathroom, i turned on the curling iron and began doing light makeup while it heated up.
i could hear zach singing in the shower which made me laugh at his horrible voice. "zach you should just quit hockey are pursue a singing career" i laughed as i hard the shampoo drop when i started talking.
"you know what y/n" he stuck his head out of the shower curtain. "i was thinking about it, thank you for making my decision so much easier" he sent me a sarcastic smile flicking some water at me causing me to jump back and laugh.
by the time the makeup was done zach was walking out of the shower with only a towel hanging on his waist. "you look good" he grinned as he walked over to me.
"dont you dare kiss me mister cause if you do i wont wanna leave" i pointed my finger at him like a mother would. he let out a loud laugh and continued walking out of the bathroom.
it only took a few minutes to curl my hair because it was already in loose waves from the game. by the time i was done i lost track of time, i really hoped we wouldnt be late. i could hear zach walking down the stairs, i raced past him and went to the closet for a pair of shoes.
i pulled out two pairs, light brown heels that laced up and normal black heels. "which ones?" i looked toward zach who was on his phone. he looked at the shoes then back at me and pointed to the brown ones a goofy smile on his face.
"whats with the smile?" i asked smiling cause he looked so happy. "well my team just clinched play offs and i have the worlds most beautiful going to dinner with me so i dont know how i couldnt be happy" he walked over to me and bent down giving me a quick kiss.
i quickly slipped them on and yelled. "done! did i complete the challenge?" i asked zach while he helped me up then grabbed both of our coats, he looked at me and gave me a small laugh as i handed him his coat.
"with five minutes to spare, but we gotta get going or we'll be late" he said taking my hand in his and guiding me out the door. we quickly got into the car and drove off.
in the car i was lightly singing to some of the songs until stitches came on. i was singing at the top of my lungs and laughing, zach laughing with me. when the song was over we pulled into the parking lot of the big, fancy steakhouse.
"you were horrible" zach laughed as he opened my door for me and offered me his hand. i let out a loud laugh, "says you, you were singing with me and in the shower, huh?" i stuck my tongue out at him as we entered the restaurant.
we quickly spotted the long table with all of the players and their WAGS at the table. zach took a seat next to brandon saad and i took a seat next to zach. across from me was one of my closest friends on the team, alex wennberg.
"hey y/n you look great" alex smiled at me from across the table, i returned the smile to him, "hey alex." i said back taking a sip pf the drink infront of me.
we broke out into a conversation about the game that i was just at and that he was just playing in. "yeah it was a crazy game" he talked excitedly about it.
"didnt you say you were swedish?" alex randomly asked in the middle of our hockey conversation. i smiled at him, proud of my nationality and nodded.
"me too!" he said and began talking about the family he has back in sweden and how he cant wait to see them.
"yeah id love to go see sweden again, i moved here for school and then i met zach" i smiled at zach but he was looking the other way with his mouth shut tightly, he wasnt even speaking to anyone.
"did i already tell you that you looked great?" alex grinned at me taking a sip of his drink then continuing, "cause you really do look beautiful"
"thank you alex" i smiled, i went to grab zachs hand, i havent talked to him all night but he pulled it away.
by the time dinner was done and alex had complimented me about six more times zach and i were driving home in a silent car, nothing the like ride there.
"zach i dont know what i did" i looked over at him but he was looking straight ahed his knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly. i could see his nostrils flaring, a sign hes trying to keep his anger in.
"zach you have to talk to me, please communicate we cant work this out if you dont tell me what happened" i tried to grab his hand but he pulled his hand away too quickly. we pulled up to our house definitely going way over the speed limit.
zach opened his door and slammed it shut, he didnt bother to see if i got out. he stormed in the house, i walked in a little further behind. by the time i was in the house i could already see the light of our bedroom at the top of the stairs.
i walked up and saw him pulling his tie lose and running his hands through his hair. i walked in slowly and took a seat on the bed waiting for him to notice my presence. i saw him look over at me after about two minutes than he shook his head and looked away.
"what the hell was that" i asked standing up. i didnt do anything wrong i dont know why hes acting like this.
"your really gonna ask what the hell as if you dont know whats going on" he said his voice slowly gaining volume.
"im no blind you know" he spoke quietly looking down.
"zach im missing something here i dont know what i did" i said confused. i stood to walk closer to him but he just backed away.
"y/n you dont get it" he said his voice gradually getting louder again. "you dont understand. you wont understand" he said quietly.
"what wont i understand zach!" i shouted. even i was surprised at the sound of my voice, the loudness.
"you and alex should be together not me and you!" he yelled back at me. his voice was booming, loud and it made me jump.
"me and alex? zach what the hell where did you even get that idea from?" i said to him. he shook his head at me looking disgusted.
"maybe your the blind one, huh?" he looked over at me. "maybe you miss it that everytime your with the team alex compliments you, he looks at you like your the only person in the room, he likes you y/n and im pretty sure you like him too" zach shouted.
at this point i had tears in my eyes. i couldnt take it, he doesnt know how much i love him i dont want alex all i want is him. but maybe he doesnt feel the same. the tears had begun to fall, he looked over at me guilt present in his eyes but i didnt want his pity.
"zach you dont fucking get it do you!" i shouted at him. "i dont want alex i could care less about how he looks at me or how many times he compliments me its you that i want i care about the way you look t me
or how many times you compliment me." i shouted at him, the tears were falling and he obviously didnt know how i actually felt.
"zach your the one i love! not him i love you zach werenski!" i yelled at him. he looked up and met your eyes. he began to walk over to me to wrap me in a hug but i didnt budge i was mad.
"y/n im sorry, im one thousand times sorry i didnt mean to hurt you. i love you too okay? i was jealous, you guys have so much in common, your both swedish i just wanted that kind of connection with you" he looked at me sadly. "i just dont want you to forget about me" he nuzzled his head into my neck.
"zach i could never for get about you. your the one i love, i knew it from the moment i saw you in the coffee shop, the first time you talked to me i knew that there was something special about you" i grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the bed.
i had my head rested on his chest and his arms around me, i could feel my eyes getting heavier by the minute as zach turned on the tv.
"i could lay here forever" he whispered. i pulled myself closer to him and at last i was asleep in the arms of the one i love.

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