Sam Reinhart

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Y/N- Your Name

Another day at school. Boring af. At least it was Friday. The bell rings for the end of 8th period. It's now 9th. The last period of the day. You had early release this period. It basically means it's your free period and you can go home. You walk out the front door and see Sam in his car waiting for you. You smile and get in the car.
"Missed me?" You ask.
He looks up from his phone and smiles at you.
"Duh." He laughs and leans over and kisses you on the cheek. You shut the car door and buckle your seatbelt. Sam started driving.
"How was school today?" He asked you.
You groaned.
"Ugh. Same ol same ol."
You take out your phone and started texting your friend Tyler, asking him if he finished the math homework.
"Who's Tyler?" Sam interrupted.
You jumped a little bit.
"Sam! Pay attention to the road and not my phone!" You scolded.
"No! Seriously! Who's Tyler?"
"Sam! He's just a really close friend of mine! Relax! I love you and only you!"
He smiled.
"That's what I like to hear."
You rolled your eyes.

You finally arrived home. You opened the front door and threw  your bag in your front room and went upstairs to change into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. It was winter and it can get pretty cold here in Buffalo. You came back downstairs and saw that Sam was making you and him hot chocolate.
"Aw, Sam! You didn't have too!"
He shrugged his shoulders.
"It seems like you've had a stressful week. Now, get the blanket from upstairs and hop on the couch. I'll pop in a movie and well be bums the rest of the day."
You smiled at the ground.
"Haha. Okay."
You went upstairs and grabbed the big blue blanket off yours and sams bed, then walked back downstairs and plopped on the couch. Sam put on the Breakfast Club and plopped right next to you. He wrapped his arms around you. You looked at him and smiled.
"I love you."
He looked back down at you.
"I love you."
You rested your head on his shoulder and grabbed your hot chocolate from the table next to you and took a sip. You wrapped your hands around it to keep your hands warm.

Later that evening, Sam ended up ordering a pizza and then you guys went up for bed. You got under the covers and so did Sam. You reached over and turned off your lamp and as did Sam. You snuggled over to Sam and he put his arm around you. You laid your head on his chest and closed your eyes.
"So, what do ya want to do tomorrow?" Sam whispered.
"Mmm" you mumbled.
Sam laughed to himself.
"Well, we'll figure it out tomorrow. Goodnight my love." And kissed you on the head.

❤️hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this one! I'll be updating almost every day! Make sure to leave me feedback if you'd like! Love you guys!

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