Nico Hischier

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This school week seemed to drag on and on and on. It was only Wednesday. You were a senior in high school and would be graduating in a month. You were so excited to get the hell out of here.
8th period. History class. The bell rang for the end of 7th and you met your friend Nico downstairs to walk to 8th period together. When you walked down the stairs, there you saw nico. He was staring down at his phone and when he looked up and locked eyes on you, he instantly smiled.
"Hey y/n"
You smiled
You walked next to each other down the hallway and up a set of stairs.
"My god I just want this day to be over." You groaned.
"Same." Nico agreed.
You two walked into your 8th period class, and sat down next to each other.
"So, this Friday do you wanna hang out at the diner up the street from here?" Nico asked you.
"Oh! Um. Sure!"
You had the biggest crush on Nico. But it would be kinda weird to date because you guys have known each other since you were babies. You didn't mention you had a crush on him either. But, you could kinda tell that he knew. And he would love to play with your feelings. He wouldn't text back, he would leave your snapchats opened without replying. And it bugged you so much. So, you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and play hard to get.
Finally, Friday came along. After school you and Nico went to his car. You got in the passengers seat and threw your backpack on the seat behind you. He started up the car and off you were.

You arrived at the diner and you two sat in a booth. The waiter came up and ordered your drinks and then you guys ordered your food.
Nico was on his phone.
"Nico, pay attention to me! I'm lonely." He laughed and clicked his phone off.
"What'd you think about that history test today?" He asked you.
"I don't know Nico, you tell me. It was probably easier for you because you kept copying off me!"
He gasped.
"Um! No I didn't!"
You glared at him and took a sip of your Pepsi.
He looked down at his knees.
"Okay fine, you're just hella smart and I didn't study."
"That's what I thought." You said.
He smirked.
God was he beautiful.
You just wish you could call him yours. But you can't. You're just close friends. And it's killing you.
"And here's your food." The waiter said outta nowhere. He put your plate in front of you. You got a basket of fries, and Nico got a hamburger.
"Enjoy!" And the waiter walked away.
You two awkwardly ate in silence. Then Nico broke the awkwardness.
"So-" he said while biting his hamburger.
"You ready for graduation?" He asked you.
"Hell yeah! I can't wait to the frig outta that school!"
"Me too."
Another awkward silence.
All of a sudden an elderly lady passed by your table and she looked at both of you.
You looked at Nico.
And Nico looked at you.
"You two youngins are so cute! I remember these kinda days. Make sure you treat your girl well young man." The lady said and patted Nico on the shoulder.
"Oh-um were not dating. We're just out as friends." Nico explained.
Your stomach churned.
Why. Why can't we just freaking date.
"Really?! You two are so cute together!" She then leaned closer to Nico and whispered something in his ear. His face became red.
"Haha. Maybe one day."
The lady winked and walked away.
You looked at Nico confused.
"What'd she say?!"
That's it?
I doubt that.

After the diner you two got back in the car and Nico drove you home. It was a silent drive back. Once again. Now was your chance. Your chance to let your feelings out. You had too. You couldn't hold this feeling in anymore.
He stopped at the stoplight.
"N-Nico I have something to tell you."
He looked at you.
You took a deep breath.
"Well...I've just been thinking lately. You know. I don't know. I mean."
"Just spit it out y/n" he said concerned.
You sighed.
Just blurt it out. You got this.
"I love you Nico okay. I love you. You're handsome, smart, charming, and ugh I just omg sorry. I probably sound like a creep."
He stared you down. With a blank face. The red light turned green. He still hasn't said anything. He then turned into a 7/11 parking lot and parked his car. He looked at you again.
"Wow y/n...I don't know what to say."
You're face was beat red and you were looking at the ground.
"Actually I do. You're gorgeous, You light up my world. And who am I kidding? You're  the smart one! And to be honest, I've had a lil crush on you."
You looked up at him.
"Same here Nico."
You stared at each other and out of nowhere, your lips were on his.
When you pulled away from the kiss, you stared at each other.
"I love you y/n" he said.
You smiled.
"I love you too Nico."
He grabbed your hand and rubbed your knuckles with his thumb.
"So. Should we become a thing?" He asked you.
"Duh!" You said.
He laughed and kissed you on the forehead.
"Now, off to my house? To watch a movie?" He asked you.
"Lets do it!" You said.
Nico turned on his car and backed out of the parking lot and off to his house you were.
Wow. This went from zero to a hundred real quick. And you were so thankful.
Hey guys! Hope you liked this one!❤️

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