Zach Werenski

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Forgot who posted this but credit to them!💙💗
You rolled over and turned off your eight AM alarm, trying your hardest not to wake your sleeping boyfriend. Zach had gotten in late last night after their game and you knew he needed the sleep. You on the other hand, had a long list of errands to run. Nothing urgent, just picking up basic household things you were almost out of and running to school to pick up some paperwork. You looked down at Zach's arm wrapped around your waist. "Oh boy" you thought, this was going to be a challenge. You slowly grabbed Zach's forearm, lifting it and trying to shimmy underneath it to the edge of the bed.
"Oh no you don't" you heard Zach mumble, his voice muffled by the pillow he had his head buried into.
"Babe, I have some errands to do. I just wanna get them over with" you whined as Zach used his muscular arms to scoop you back into his chest, holding you tighter. "Babeee, come on" you laughed.
"Nope, we're having a lazy day today. It's one of my few days off and I want to spend the whole day with you in this apartment." Zach's deep, raspy sleepy voice made you melt. You tried to strain against your boyfriend's arms but there was no way he was going to let you go.
"I guess I'm not winning this one" you muttered as you gave in and curled back up next to Zach. Enjoying the way his body relaxed when you were near.
Zach pressed a kiss to your shoulder, "that's my girl."
"Zach, can you turn some music on?" you yelled as you mixed together the ingredients for chocolate chip pancakes. It was now noon and Zach insisted that pancakes were a key element for the perfect lazy day. And well, you just really wanted chocolate.
You heard the intro to Chance The Rapper's "All Night" and immediately started scream singing and dancing. "All night I've been drinking all night, I've been drinking all night, I've been drinking all night hey" you sang as you put the pancake batter onto the stove.
"With those moves you really look like you've been drinking" Zach laughed as he walked into the kitchen. He wrapped you into a hug then pulled away, placing his hands on your hips and gently kissing you.
"Mhm, the pancakes are gunna burn" you giggled and turned around to flip them. Zach briefly pouted at the fact that at this moment in time, pancakes were more important than him. He moved to sit down on the other side of the counter, watching you make a fool of yourself.
"Also, you're just jealous you don't have my moves" you retorted between lyrics, taking the finished pancakes off the stove and putting them on plates.
"Oh believe me, I definitely don't want your moves" Zach joked, drowning his pancakes in syrup.
You stuck your tongue out and started eating your pancakes. "Ok, this was a great idea" you admitted.
"See? I told you pancakes are an important way to start off your lazy day" Zach lectured.
"Yea, yea, whatever Mr. Zach." You rolled your eyes at how cocky your boyfriend was.
"Ok, what's on the agenda for the rest of the day?" you questioned after cleaning up the kitchen. Both you and Zach had made your way over to the couch, still poking fun at one another.
"I'm thinking movies and junk food, then take out for dinner?" Zach smiled and looked at you.
"That sounds perfect to me! But it's only perfect if you pick the right snacks" you warned, snacks were very important to you.
Zach got off the couch and made his way to the kitchen, returning moments later with a handful of assorted snacks. "Ok, we've got Oreo's, salt and vinegar chips, pretzels, gummy bears and some chocolate bars. Oh and lemonade to drink" he explained.
You nodded approvingly, "you chose well Werenski, I'm impressed!" You reached for the Oreo's and settled back under Zach's arm.
Zach smirked, "I know my snacks Y/N." He reached for an Oreo then pressed play on the movie. "Wait, I don't even know what we're watching."
"Oh you're going to love it" you replied, "it's one of my favourites!" You smiled as the title came across the screen.
"The Longest Ride? What is this?" Zach protested. "Is this a movie about a boy and a girl falling in love?"
"Not only are you the king of lazy days and snacks, you know your movies too!" you laughed as you leaned over and pressed a kiss to Zach's jawline. "You can pick the next one!"
"You're lucky I love you Y/N Y/L/N." he groaned as he leaned down to kiss your lips, rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
"Hehe, I love you too Zach Werenski. Now focus, this is my favourite movie!"

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