Chapter 15

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   I spent the next week in my room, refusing to even look at my parents. I cried most of the days and at night I dreamt of her. I dreamt of her eyes that would never look at me again, or those lips that would never kiss mine again. She was always happy in my dreams, torturing me with that smile.

I wish I could say I hated her for what she did, but I just couldn't. How could you hate someone you love? The thing that haunts me the most is that I never got to tell her, I never got to know if she felt the same way and now I probably never will.

I haven't heard from Emma since that day in the diner and that was starting to get to me as well. She was my best friend and I drove her away. I potentially ruined our friendship for a woman who didn't even stay.

But, either way, I spent the whole week isolated. I didn't eat much, I didn't sleep much, and I didn't talk to anyone, mostly because everyone important in my life was gone. All except one person...

My phone rang out from my nightstand. I rolled over and wiped my eyes before answering. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Lindsay . Just calling to let you know my party starts at five."

I pulled my phone from my ear, checking the time. '3:36 pm'


"Oh, right..."

"Are you ok?" She asked.

I sighed. "Yeah, just more family drama."

"Oh, well if you don't wanna come, I understand."

I was almost gonna tell her I wouldn't be coming, but after thinking about it, I desperately needed a distraction. I needed something to get me out of my head and this room. Even if it was only for one night.

"No, uh... I'll be there."

"Ok, cool. I'll see you later then?"

"You bet."

"Ok, bye."


After hanging up, I flopped back down on my bed.

'C'mon Blair, it's only one night, you can do this... actually, you need to do this.'

I sighed before pushing myself out of bed and hurriedly getting ready for the day.

Lindsey texted me her address an hour later and I grabbed some cash for a Lyft.

After a short drive, we came to a stop in front of her house. I payed the guy before stepping out of his car and looking over at Lindsay's house.

A bunch of people sat around outside, drinking and mingling. But, I didn't see Lindsay , so I walked up to the front door and knocked.

The door swung open and Lindsay smiled at me. "There you are." She said as she grabbed my arm and led me inside.

Even more people were inside, dancing, drinking, and there was even a couple full on making out in the hallway.

Lindsay led me to the kitchen. "Can I get you a drink?" She asked.

I pulled my eyes from the throng of people and looked over the alcohol laid out in front of us.

"Sure... make it strong."

She smiled and nodded before pouring a brown liquid into a red solo cup and handing it to me.

I took a sip and struggled to keep it down, the liquid burning all the way down my throat.

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