Chapter 13

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I stood in front of my mirror, inspecting my outfit for my date with Lindsay today.

I rolled my eyes. 'It's not a date, Blair. You're with Jane... maybe. I mean she did call you her girlfriend, but she hasn't called in over a week... and Lindsay's really pretty-'

I groaned, cutting my thoughts short.

My minds been so torn lately. Yes, I loved Jane, but Lindsay just kept popping up in my thoughts, even when I was with Jane.

'Maybe I should just cancel on Lindsay...' I thought as I picked up my phone.

Before I could even open it though, it started ringing, Lindsay's name flashing on the screen.


"Hey." I answered.

"Hey yourself. Are you almost ready? I'm waiting outside."

I walked over to the window and peaked out, seeing Lindsay's car in the driveway.

"Uh, yeah, I'll be right down." I replied.

"Ok, see you soon." She said with a laugh.

I hung up and quickly threw some makeup on before looking in the mirror again.

'If this isn't a date, then why do you care what you look like?'

I rolled my eyes before grabbing my jacket and heading downstairs.

"Got a hot date?" Vanessa asked with a chuckle.

Marry nudged her. "Don't tease her."

I turned to my parents, who sat on the couch.

"Actually, um, I'm just going to the arcade with a friend." I replied.

'Just a friend... who you're totally not into.'

Vanessa smiled. "Are you sure it's not that Jane girl?"

I could feel my face heat up at the mentioning of her name. "Nope, just a friend."

"Well, when do we get to meet this mysterious 'Jane' who's stollen our daughters heart?" Marry asked.


"How about tomorrow?" Vanessa cut in.

"I don't know-"

"Ooh, yes, I like that idea. She can join us for dinner." Marry added.

I sighed. "Mom, she might be busy."

Vanessa shrugged. "Tell her if she wants our blessing, she had better be here tomorrow."

Marry laughed Warmly. "C'mon, sweetie, you can't hide her from us forever."

I lowered my head, letting out a defeated sigh. "Fine... I'll ask her."

They smiled. "Great, we cant wait to meet her." Marry said.

"Agreed. Now, go have fun with your friend." Vanessa added.

"Bye guys..." I said as I slowly walked out the door and closed it.

'Fuck... why me?'

Lindsey smiled as I got in her car. "Hey, hows it going?"

I shrugged, avoiding eye contact. "Ok, I guess."

She rested her hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok?"

I nodded. "Yeah, just some family stuff, that's all."

"Oh, well, we can reschedule if you want?"

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