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Your kind personality
You're funny, silly and caring towards other people
Your smile melts my heart and makes my knees weak
Your smile is as bright as you
The lust and sparkle in your eyes
when you smile is so beautiful
I wanna make you smile like that.
P.s I have two

- Secret Admirer

This one was different, it was sweet and not sexual

This note made him feel good

Jungkook had just gotten off his long shift, he got to work at 8AM/20:00 and it was now 9:30 PM/21:30

He still had to stay longer, even when he had, had a long day

He had volunteered to clean his dressing room, he didn't want somebody else cleaning up his mess, why do you think he keeps his office so clean all the time

He promised he would clean his dressing room

He had just gotten back from set and changing out of the clothes he wore during his work hours

A door was then heard and a man with brown hair appeared from behind the once closed door

" Hi"

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